chapter 11: The Proof's in the Porking

Comenzar desde el principio

Finn blinked in confusion, not knowing if Gregar was being serious or not. “OK.”

“Whatever,” Puck said, pushing the man away.

“You two are no fun”, Gregar sulked. “I'm going to find somebody else to play with.” He stood up, but before he left, he turned back to Puck and leaned down to whisper in his ear. “If you change your mind, I give the best head you'll ever have.” He slipped his business card in Puck's breast pocket then kissed his lips. “See you, bitches.”

He flounced off, leaving two very outraged men behind.

Gregar rounded a pillar and out of sight, where Quinn and Rachel were waiting for him. Quinn held up her hand and he high-fived her.

“Greg, I heart you so badly that if you weren't gay, I'd totally throw you one,” Quinn laughed. 

“Thanks hon,” Greg said, his voice normal now. 

“So?” Quinn asked.

“Completely, one-hundred percent straight,” he confirmed. “Both of them. Didn't even make a blip on my bi-dar.”

“See,” Quinn said triumphantly to Rachel. “Greg has the best gaydar of anybody I know.”

“Fine, they're not gay. But if they're pretending they are, we should respect that and let them do whatever it is they're doing and not try to torture them.”

“I knew I should have gone with plan A,” Quinn said under her breath.

“What was plan A?” Rachel asked.

“Get you drunk and then convince you tell to Finn that you are in love with him,” Quinn admitted.

Rachel squawked in outrage. “Quinn! Well, I’m glad that you didn't do that.”

“Me too. Torturing Puck is way more fun. But, fine, I'll lay off Finn.”

“I'm going to leave you two. The finger food won't plate up itself,” Greg told them. “Enjoy the rest of the night, you lucky girls. Oh, have a cocktail, they're delicious.”

“Thanks, Greg,” Quinn said, hugging him.

He returned the hug. “I hope you get him back sweetie.”

“I don't want him back,” Quinn protested at his departing back. “I want to get back at him.”

Rachel smirked. 

“I do,” Quinn insisted. “He's a jerk and I hate him and I just want to get him back. Get back at him. Dammit.”

Rachel laughed and dragged Quinn back to where Finn and Puck were sitting. 

A waiter appeared at the table just as they sat down, he was carrying a tray of fruity pink cocktails. “Brokuko?”

“Say what now?” Quinn asked, already accepting one of the drinks.

“It's a cocktail created in honor of Brody and Ikuko's marriage,” the waiter explained. “They were created especially for the couple. They're delicious.”

“I think that's a very unfortunate name but they are delicious,” Quinn exclaimed. She gestured for him to leave one for everybody at the table. 

Finn and Rachel looked at each other, daring the other to go first, before they both each took a sip.

“Mmm, that's really lovely,” Rachel said. Then she coughed. “Packs quite a punch.”

“Drink up, Puck,” Quinn goaded.

He took a drink. Mainly because he was too lazy to go find the bar and he needed alcohol in him, STAT. 

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