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 When I woke up the house smelled of sadness, I could sense something off. When I went into the kitchen I saw a groggy dad sipping coffee. "Good-morning darling." he sleepily mutters. "Where's mom?" I ask looking around for her. "She's at the hospice signing stuff... Grandma passed away two hours ago." He has little tears in his eyes when he looks up. "Grandma said before she died that she'd see you soon." I shudder at that. "Wait what?" He shrugs. "She was weird... She probably meant it well though." I'm still shuddering. "That's super creepy." I grab a pop tart and start eating it considering what my grandma said. If she meant it creepily that mean's I was gonna die soon too. Not that that would be a big dealio to me. "Mom will be back any minute. Please be gentle with her, okay? This is super tough for her... Grandma was her mom." I nod. I may be very selfish but there's no way in hell I'll be rough on mom. If she died... I would probably die too (not being dramatic at all) The door creaks open slowly and mom walks in her head down. "Aurora." Dad stands up and goes over giving her a big hug. She cries into his shoulder. Mom's name is Aurora and dads is Huck. Both fantasy characters.

Mom lays in bed all day probably crying, I feel bad for her and I do shed a few tears. I make myself try to cry quite a few times. I watch "try not to sob" videos on youtube among other things. Because I feel bad for not crying.

"Hey. Amelia do you want to go do some errands. Let mom relax and have some time to herself." Dad walks up on me as I'm watching a "try not to sob" video. "Don't force yourself to cry." He says eyeing the title. I nod and follow him to his bright red truck. I get in the backseat because fun fact I hate sitting up front. My dad's car is ridiculously clean the only things he has in his car is a pack of gum and a hard hat. (He works as a plumber) I grab a piece of gum and hand him one too he takes it and then backs out. "So you need a few more clothes as school is creeping up and we need more groceries. So the grocery store and the clothes store, sound good?" I nod because it's too late to say no. 

We go clothes shopping first ew. I hate shopping for clothes, it's so annoying to have to change outfits a million times, and picking out outfits is annoying too. He hands me a skirt, two jeans, three jeggings, and three shirts telling me to give everything a fair chance. I try everything on, and yes the skirt fits but do I like it? No. I don't like the jeans either but I keep one and all of the jeggings. I like shirts with anime characters or singers that I like. I keep two shirts and head out of the changing room. "Did you like anything?" My dad askes tiredly. I hand him the clothes and he goes and checks out. 

Fun fact I'm Hawaiian. We live in Hawaii currently but we're planning on moving to Kansas as it's too expensive for us here and the only reason we stayed was that grandma lived here. I'm not excited to move AT ALL. I have a hard time making friends (yes I don't really WANT friends but I NEED them otherwise I would be even more lonely.) And why Kansas? I'm not Dorothy. 

Dad pulls me out of the store and back to his truck. "We got a lot." He says. "Yeah, I guess so." I'm excited about the grocery store, the grocery store is basically my second home. "Don't go too crazy okay?" Dad says. "Is 15 bundles too much ramen?" He rolls his eyes. "Yes," we stop at the grocery store and I happily hop out of his truck. I throw away my gum (Dad does the same)  and go in. "We need apples, bananas, lettuce, chips, and salsa," Dad informs me as he grabs a basket. "We also need- donuts, ramen, sour patch kids and whatever else I can think of." Dad does a facepalm. "Amelia you need to eat healthier. That's all junk food." I shrug. "That's just the way I am." We start down the fruit aisle and I'm sort of ashamed (heh no I'm proud) to admit that I don't recognize half of the fruits. He puts the stuff in the basket and heads to the chip aisle. "These look good! Look they're organic! Made with real corn." He smiles and throws the healthy chips in the basket. "Um, how about these? They're organically not organic." I hold up the Doritos. "Fine." He lets me put them in the basket and then goes to get salsa. Let's just say the rest of the trip is me throwing junk food into the basket and jumping around happily.

When we get back Dad forces me to help him take bags in. I see mom at the table eating some ramen her face is a mess pimples are popping up and tears are fresh all over her face. "Woah, mom." I gasp and instantly cover my mouth afterward. "C'mon Amelia you are SO immature. Do you think you'd look any better if I died?" She rolls her eyes. "Um, sorry?" I mumble and dart back to the truck to get the last two bags.

The rest of the night is filled with mom and dad crying and mumbling together, I stay cooped up in my room eating my junk food. I do get to thinking about grandma... She was kooky so they didn't let me get to know her... I wonder what she was like? It feels weird having to ask myself what MY OWN grandma was like but I seriously don't know. 

I can only wonder what she was like 

And what she meant about me seeing her soon

Flower GardenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora