"That day went so fast!, I thought it'd be slower 'cuz it's a Monday"

Lui rolled his eyes.

"It felt like the clock was going anticlockwise, the day was so slow" Lui replied.

"Aww someone's in a bad mood"

"I'm just tired"

"Didn't you get enough sleep?"

"Not really"

"Why not?"

"Just a had strange dream"

"You mean nightmare?"

"No, I just had a strange dream, not a nightmare"

"If you say so"

Lui narrowed his eyes at the boy.

"What was is about?"

"Well..there were people..and then everything was blank and there was only this light and i went-"

Lui grabbed his head, cutting himself off. The sudden pain was sharp and fast, running right through the middle of his head like lightning. His vision went white and blinding, he squeezed his eyes shut, his fingers pressing into his temples. Then it was gone.

Lui opened his eyes and stared ahead, dazed and confused. The white haired boy's eyes were wide with concern. He grabbed Lui's arms and shook him.

"Lui? Are you ok?"

Lui slowly moved his eyes to his friend. What just happened? Was it for the lack of food? But that was so painful though...just thinking about it made him shudder.

"I'm alright, just got dizzy.." Lui lied.

He didn't feel one bit dizzy. The pain just came and went, no after pain.

"Do you want to go to the nurse?"

Lui shook his head vigorously.

"No I think it's just because I'm tired"

The white haired boy stared at Lui for a few seconds, then muttered an ok.

"I'll see you tomorrow then ok?" He said.

"Sure bye" Lui replied, before they both part ways.

¤ ¤ ¤

"Lui, how was your day?"


"Aren't you going to tell me what you did?"

"Didn't do much"

Lui's father let out a sigh, but smiled at his son nonetheless. Lui put down his school bag, took off his shoes. He made sure too keep them at the side so nobody will trip over them. His father smiled at his actions.

"Lui, your mother and I have to go to the company today, your uncle will be looking after you"

Lui's eyes flashed with fear and anger, but he quickly averted his gaze to the ground. Your leaving me again...with him...Lui said spitefuly in his head.

"When are you leaving?" Lui asked softly.

"In a few minutes, your uncle should be here by now"

As if on cue, the door bell rang. Lui felt his heart rate speed up by millions, goosebumps appeared all over his skin and countless thoughts of running away passed his head. He took a deep breath, but that only lead to his breathing intensifying. He reassured himself that it's not going to be that bad. But the last time he litterly got blood smeared all over his face...there can't be anything worse than that right?

Once Apon A Lifetime [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now