Demi's other sister (two)

Start from the beginning

"You didn't answer my question angel?" I said, playing with her hair with my hand that wasn't holding her to my body

"What question?"

"Are you ok?" I reminded her

"I am now you're here" she admitted

"What about before I came home. Were you not ok then?" I asked, trying to get her to open up as much as possible. This was the time when we shared the most, when we were together in bed, I knew she felt like she could be honest with me.

"I just missed you"

"I missed you too baby girl, so much."

"Really?" She said, looking up at me with her big brown eyes

"Of course I did, you're my little Jessie. How about we all have a sister day tomorrow? What about Disneyland?" I asked her excitedly

I felt her tense up in my arms for a moment.


"What? Oh yeah Disneyland, sounds good" she fake smiled

"Jess, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm tired, can we go to sleep now?" She asked cutely

"Sure, you wanna go to Disneyland though right?"

"Yeah of course"

"Ok well let's get some sleep then baby girl."

"I love you dem dem" she whispered into my chest

I smiled lovingly down to her before replying

"I love you too baby, I'm right here, always"

And with that we both fell into a peaceful sleep wrapped in each other's arms.

I woke up the next morning with a light weight on me, I opened my eyes to find Jessie fast asleep practically on top of my body. I carefully rolled her off me without waking her so I could get up. I walked out of her bedroom to see Eddie walking out of his and my moms room.

"Morning dem" he smiled

"Hey, is mom awake?"

"Yeah she's in bed" he replied before walking downstairs

I walked into their room to see my mom sat up in bed reading a book.

"Hey baby"

"Morning momma" I smiled before climbing into bed with her

"What's wrong dem?" She said, placing her book down

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just worried about Jess, she seams different. Oh and can I take her and Maddie to Disneyland today. Dallas is coming as well" I asked her

"I'm not sure that's a good idea Demi" she frowned

"Why on earth not?" I replied probably harsher than I should have.

"Maybe you, Dallas and Maddie should just go" she suggested

"No, the main reason I want to go is to spend time with Jessie, I'm not leaving her out"

"Demi calm down, I doubt Jess will want to go anyway"

"She does, I asked her last night" I argued back

"Demi, she will say anything to keep you happy you know that. She doesn't want to offend you or let you down"

"Mom what's going on. There's something you're not telling me."

She sighed and took my hands in hers.

"Since we got back from Brazil she's been nervous around new people. She's fine in the house surrounded by the family but your dad and I have to literally carry her kicking and screaming to even her her in the car to go the school. We haven't been able to get her out in public since Demi" my mom informed me with tears in her eyes

Demi One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now