♗The Other Side of Shogi♗

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That's all it was.
A game my Dad taught me.

The goal?

Create a strategy that keeps the King safe.


Head forth for your enemy's.
It pushes you intellectually,
And helps you understand the world with more detail.

I've always believed in playing life safe,
The same way I approach Shogi,
Focusing on protecting first.

In life, I make safe choices.
After all, what's the point of getting into unnecessary trouble?
What's the point of stepping forth when you've got no valuable influence or power?

Its just a drag.

That's until I met him.
Something that caught me off-guard.
I'd told myself no one in Konoha would ever challenge me the way he did.

I was wrong.

Meeting Ryogi challenged me in a way no one had.
He made me realize that playing it safe isn't always the best strategy.
He made me see the importance of at times striking without a second thought.

...Kind of the way Boruto does...

Not just that.
He made me aware.
He made me realize just how privileged I was.
How much I took for granted.
How little I understood.

I had been foolish enough to think I held a deep understanding of the world.

Ryogi made me see.
He made me see that although I was aware,
I didn't really understand.

That although I knew people experienced harsh lives,
I never experienced one.

Although I was aware of loss,
I'd never lost anyone.

Although I knew there was discomfort,
I lived in a comfortable home in the Village.

Ryogi made me see that if I wanted to protect those around me,
And have an influence on the world one day,
I had to strike.

I couldn't hide in the safety of shadows all my life.
I needed to push myself.
I needed to step forth.

After saving Ryogi,
I promised myself to not hold back.
I promised I wouldn't focus on a safe strategy,
And forget about the other side of the game.
I promised myself to not become blind to what he taught me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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