Chapter twelve-Aedion

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Aedion couldn't possibly imagine what could be war changing information until Chaol launched into his story.

After he completed, he took out some books and asked, "Where's Rowan?" Dangerous territory. Aedion and Lysandra barely talked about him because talking about Rowan also meant remembering her. It always brought fights between them. They were still working it and broaching her subject made them prone to not talking for at least days in a row. They were by no means, back to friends or whatever they were before, but he could bare talking and planning with her. Anything else... He'd probably come over it someday.

But Lysandra easily replied "Off to get something for me", making her eyes look distant.

"Well, these books are in the old language and I think you should find someone to translate them", Chaol said. Not further enquiring about Rowan.

"I will," she nodded.

"That's not it," Nesryn cut in before she could dismiss them.

Lysandra lifted her brows at her in question and she told them her side of the story.

As if the news they had got couldn't get worse. But it did. It got much much worse.

"Maeve," Nesryn said, concluding her story, "isn't fae. She's Valg." Her words were barely more than a whisper and Aedion wasn't sure he heard her right. He thought Lysandra was thinking the same thing because she asked "What?"

"Maeve is Valg." Nesryn repeated just as quietly but enunciating each word.

He wasn't sure he could Lysandra breathing. He wasn't sure if he himself was breathing. From the story he just heard, he understood just how dangerous one Valg princess was and their queen. Holy gods. He couldn't imagine the power she could wield and for his queen to be trapped with her...

Lysandra let out a small sound. There were tears threatening to spill from her eyes as she left the space. The others were confused not understanding how the news they had just given, could elicit such a big reaction from Aelin.

Aedion followed her, making sure she was okay and partly to make sure she wouldn't blow up their cover.

When he reached her cabin, she was full on sobbing, door closed but not locked. He slipped in and closed the door behind them. He gently approached her and put a hand on her back. "Lysandra, it's okay, she'll be okay. Rowan's searching for her remember."

"It's been a month and we still haven't heard anything Aedion. I don't know what's going to happen if she doesn't return. I can't keep this up for longer."

And for just that one moment, Aedion held Lysandra as she put her head on his chest.

Sorry, super short chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2018 ⏰

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