The short story of the end with mack

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We were out.
Then there was the laughter.
I look at Emma dropping to thee ground.
I run over to her pulling her out of the house.
Then I stared to shake her.
I screamed for help.
People come over to help.
I woke up in hospital with tap blade mark in my arm.
First thing I think about is my love and then I hear the doctor talking.
My baby.
She is dead.
I stared to cry.
Dad ran over me knowing that I heard.
1 hour later I was was allowed to go see her her they pulled down the cover seeing the beautiful girl.first love my baby dead.

Hope u enjoy the emotional ride of this story.byyye read other stories like this like I wrote. Please vote on my story.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2018 ⏰

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