"Chenle since you have an innocent voice among us I think its better if you have this part." Doyoung said pointing the part in the paper, Chenle was shy to sing it alone but still did it anyway.

"Sir Taeil going to like our version." Jaehyun said then he looked at me.

"Hey Donghyuck I notice you wanted to join their group?" He said smiling at me  then he pointed at Mark's group direction and I shook my head.

"Ah no, I jus-" Renjun cut me off by saying, "He is just staring at Mark Lee." He said.

I swear I am going to kill this kid someday or maybe today!

"Woah, you have a crush on our star performer!" Doyoung exclaimed looking at me playfully and I pouted, "No Renjun is just making it up!"

"Its okay to have a crush Donghyuck, why don't you talk to him since we are finished practicing, I think they are already done as well." Jaehyun said pushing me slightly away from them so I could go to Mark's direction.

Ten dismissed his group so Mark went back to his seat and I sat beside him then I looked at Renjun and Jaehyun the two both gave me a thumbs up.

"Hey Mark!" I said smiling. Just focus on making friends Full Sun.

"Hey! How was your practice with the vocal team?" He asked smiling then he stared at my eyes making my cheeks heat up.

"Uhm it was great, we are now confident to show it to sir Taeil." I answered biting my lip.

He smiled again, "that's great to hear uhm."

"Oh what about your team?" I asked.

"Well you see Taeyong hyung want us to dance while performing, then Yuta hyung wants a sexy song for intermission." He said sighing.

"So what is the final decision?" I asked and he shrugged, "we still don't have yet, I mean Sir Taeil is probably expecting higher from us since Ten hyung is the president while me being the star performer."

"Hey, you are a star performer you are good in performing, why don't you just sing a sexy song with choreography with it." I suggested.

He sighed, "that what Ten said but Taeyong hyung doesn't want sexy song."

"Well give it a time I'm sure if you felt it you are going to know what song is the best to perform for the intermission." I said gaining up my confidence to pat his shoulder.

He smiled, "Thank you Donghyuck." Then our conversation went on talking about my first three months here, about my expectations and worries here in music club and dreams.

I am so happy that I got to talk to Mark I could say that we are definitely friends at this point.


"You need to be close as ever to the president of that silly club, ruin his image." Taemin said smirking at the student in front of him.

"This upcoming event make your intermission performance that no one expected that would ruin the club's image." He said closing his notebook.

The student smiled, "alright sir, I'll do my best, be excited for the surprise."

"Very good." Taemin smirk putting an X mark at Taeil's face at the last year 'year book' of the school.


"Hey why does chair include in our choreography!" Ten asked curiosity filling his mind.

"Well it is for the better of the performance, I guess." Yuta said smiling then sat on the chair opening his legs wide.

Just Fall In Love Again (Markhyuck/Hyuckhei)Where stories live. Discover now