Ethan grabbed my waist and pulled me close.

"You look beautiful Leci" he smiled.

"Thank you so much" I smiled back.

Us three walked to the center and met up with george, luke, and Andrew ..

"Well look at you little miss leciannah" Luke said poking my nose.

"Oh shut up" I swatted his arm away.

"enough of the chit chat LET PARTY" George said.

Moments later we were all dancing, laughing, twerking, drinking and I have to admit it's really fun.

"Okay guys you had enough fun , now here's for the slow dance" the dj announced.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind.

I knew it was ethan, but I hoped it was andrew.

They started playing the song 'all I ever need' by Austin mahome. (Might wanna listen to the song while reading this) .

Ethan grasped my waist gently, I wrapped my arms around his neck while laying my head against his chest.

I tried not to look at Andrew and kelly because if I did

I would cry instantly.

We danced and swayed for a good 3 minutes before it was time to crown the king and queen of the dance..

The dj grabbed the mic and started talking.

"Alright you guys, you kno what time it is" he said while the crowd cheered and clapped

"Let's see who the lucky young man and Young women will be this year" he said whiling grabing the cue cards.

Third persons p.o.v

The dj grabbed the names of the two lucky people and cleared his throat.

Both leciannah and Andrew staired at each other for away before bringing their attention back to the stage.

"Alright you guys, the prom king of mountford high is mr.... ETHAN MATTHEWS" everyone clapped and cheered for Ethan.

Ethan walked up there and hot his crown and cape while standing next to the dj.

"And now the prom queen of mountford high is ms.. LECIANNAH BROOKS"

Leciannah froze in place until Kelly pushed her up the stage. everyone cheered for her but mostly andrew.

While she was getting her crown the room fell silent .

Until someone yelled "KISS HER"

"What?" Andrew said looking for the person who said that.

"Yeah !" another person screamed.

Then the whole room started chanting "KISS HER! KISS HER! KISS HER!"

leciannah froze in place not knowing what to do.

Ethan walked over to leciannah and held her cheek in his palm.

He moved closer and closer to her until Andrew ran up to the stage and shoved him back.

The room was filled with 'ooo's and gasps

"Andrew what are you doing?" the dj yelled.

Andrews fave turned red.

The room fell silent once again unill Andrew grabbed the mic.

"I have something to say" he started off. he turned to Leci and grabbed her hand. "leciannah brooks I am in love with you. I always have and always will. you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met in my life and I love you dearly. I've been in love with you since the 5th grade. I never told you this because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I know you don't feel the same way about me but I just wanted to get this off my chest . I love you Leci"

Leciannah grabbed the mic from his hand.

"I love you too" she said teary-eyed

"What" Andrew said.

"I've always loved you Andrew ever since the day I met you. you're smart adorable, funny and just the best person ever. I never told you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship ether. I love you andrew Harris with all my heart"

Andrew grabbed her by the waist and kissed her passionatly.

They pulled away from everyone started clapping. leciannah turned around taking the mic again and looking at ethan and George who just joined him on stage.

"Look Ethan I-"

"Save it Leci" he cut her off.

"My plan worked" George said high fiving ethan.

"What plan?" Andrew said.

"You guys Ethan is my cousin. I told him to pretend to like Leci and date her to make you jealous. I wanted him to make you jealous so you could finally confess your feelings for Leci. and now because of my smart plan you guys confessed your feelings for each other" George said.

"I'm sorry Ethan" Andrew said

"Nah it's fine bro. and I believe this is yours" Ethan said while taking off the crown and cape and putting it on Andrew"

"here is our king and queen of the mountford high prom 2014" Ethan yelled.

The room was filled with cheers and confetti.

Andrew and Leci made their way to the middle of the dance floor and slow danced .

"Leciannah brooks will you be my girlfriend?" Andrew said wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Andrew Harris I would love to" Leci said wrapping her arms around his neck.

They danced and kissed and danced and kissed until Andre spoke up

"This was a real bumpy ride wasn't it?"

"Yup but it was sure worth it" Leci said kissing his cheek.

"It really weird how we both liked each other and were afraid of the same thing." leciannah said.

Andrew kissed her passionatly on the lips and twirled her around then spoke.

"I guess you could say we were 'crushing' "

The End

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