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Authors note: it's my second story, my first one had to be deleted(long story) but yeah I hope This is good. and btw leciannahs name is pronounced ( Lee-see-ah-nuh). Ok now on with the story :).

Chapter 1

Leciannahs p.o.v

I woke up This morning to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I then got up and got dressed. I went over to my closet and got out a blue flowy tangtop that said ''music'' on it with my black skinny jeans and my blue converse. I did my hair and makeup then I got a text from Andrew

Andrew: yoo u ready 2 go?!

I smiled at the text and responded back.

Leciannah: ye I just got done getting dressed. I'll be out side in 2 min.

Andrew: k

I know he did not just 'k' me. I smiled then ran outside waiting for andrew.

About two minutes later he arrived. "good morning leci" he smiled and unlocked the car door for me.

I love the nickname it's better than my full name to be honest. I sat back in my seat then I got a text from my best friend kelly.

Kelly: I need to talk to you when we get to school.

Leciannah: Kk

We arrived and I ran up to kelly, she was a good height and had dark golden brown hair that went down to her mid back and had blue eyes, then she started to jump up and down infront of my face. "LECI, LECI,LEC!!" She screamed while pulling my arm. "WHAT?!" I screamed back at her.

"Remember the boy I told you I liked for like 5 months?!" she asked. "you mean george? Yeah what about him though?" I smirked. "He asked me out yesterday night!!!!" we both screamed and jumped up and down. some teachers 'shh'ing us. "OMG WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!!!! OMG I NEED DETAILS NOW!!" I yelled while pulling her down to sit on the bench in the hall. she cleared her throat and continued "well I was on my way home, and I opened the front door of my house and I saw a trail of red rose petals, leading to upstairs. I followed them, they leaded up to my bedroom. I opened the door and I walked in, and saw a big teddy bear on the side of my bed. and white and pink scented candals everywhere and on my bed was a big heart made of red rose petals. but in the middle of the heart said 'will you be my girlfriend?' in white roses, then I heard my door shut , I turned around and saw george holding red roses in his hands, I shook my head and ran up to him and kissed him" she said. I just sat there just staring at her with tears in my eyes. "kelly, that is the most sweetest thing ever! I'm so happy for you" I said while hugging her. she looked over my shoulder and saw I'm guessing george, I guess I was right when she ran up to him and hugged him and kissed him. she waved at me and they both left.

But when I saw them walked away, I started to feel something...

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