"Are you serious? You're serious? " Hermione's voice rose an octave. She pressed herself tighter into the chair her grip on the book tightening.

"That's the only reason I can think as to why I came back a bloodied mess. That doesn't help the fact that he still wants you."

Hermione had completely forgotten, "You have a plan, it wasn't this. Tell me you have a plan." Her breathing was excited and her head felt light. She had wanted to know, but now she could see why he was so protective of his secrets. She would never have even looked at the journal had she known and it was too late to take her words back now.

"I need to put you back into a fugue state." It was all lost anyway if the original plan failed; it didn't matter what he told her. It wouldn't save either of them.

"An obliviate?"

"Won't work, he can sense them and even reverse them. It would just raise more red flags."

"I'm going to guess that it's going to hurt."

"A lot." Snape turned himself away. How had he gotten into this mess? He should have just done it from the start. He should have just followed orders like the good little slave he was.

Hermione watched a variety of emotion run across his face as he started to pace. So much hatred, so much pain. She didn't need to know anymore. Whatever it was, it was going to hurt him way more than it was going to hurt her.

"Will I... remember anything?"

"You didn't before. Not even your name..." He still refused to look at her.

"That's...where the three days went..." She took a slow breath, "Will I come back?"

"I don't know." Snape turned completely away, his eyes focused on some point beyond the window.

A heavy silence fell over the room. Each mind, so brilliant, turning in circles. There was no other way.

"I'll do it..." She pulled the book from behind her back and came to her feet. She was careful when she approached, holding the book between them as an olive branch.


"Is Mr. Lovegood here?"

"Yeah, he and Luna were picking up shells on the beach." Bill brought out some tea setting it on the table.

"Thanks." Ron dropped the bag down onto the couch and turned to go and find them.

Harry let out a sigh and ran his hand down his face. His head was pulsing. He felt angry. He was sure it wasn't his own anger. Voldemort was angry at them. But there was something else. Something he was waiting for.

"Alright there Harry?" Luna came to sit beside him, her voice soft and soothing. "Did you get what you were looking for?"

"Yeah, we did. Actually a bit more. We have some of Hermione's things now. Do you think you could cast the spell on them?"

"Of course, sorry I couldn't be helpful before. Dad's a wee bit worried about me, but I told him that they didn't do anything too bad to me."

"You've been extremely helpful." He gave her a gentle smile and leaned over pulling the backpack over. He flipped open the top and started to dig inside just as Ron and Mr. Lovegood came into the room.


"This will relax your heart, hopefully, it will help prevent any long-term damage..." Snape handed the vial over watching with heavy eyes.

Hermione nodded her head taking it without question. She made a face at the acidic taste before handing the vial back. She could already feel the potion starting to take effect when her arms felt oddly heavy. She leaned back in the chair from her room. Arms had been added to help keep her seated. Her head relaxed back against the backrest as she let out a slow breath. It was almost like a muggle sedative, the ones they gave you before surgery.

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