He let out another huff as he returned the phone to his pocket. "What was that about?" I asked as Harry set me down on my feet. He ran a hand through his curls. "We forgot the flashlights," Harry rolled his eyes. "He interrupted us for flashlights."

"They're camping necessities," I defended Louis.

Harry poked his tongue out at me before smirking. "Where were we then?"

"Setting up camp," I laughed, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "There'll be plenty of time for this later."

Harry pouted but agreed and we set to work on our campsite.


"You look absolutely beautiful." I blushed and looked away from Harry but his fingertips gently prodded my cheek, turning me to face him again. "I'm serious, Alice."

"Thanks," I whispered, resting my head against his shoulder.

Harry had brought two big, comfortable chairs for us to sit in by the fire he had made but sitting in his lap was the more desired option. We had finished setting up our campsite and, thanks to the fire, had grilled some hot dogs for dinner.

"Are you tired?" Harry mumbled in my ear.

I shrugged. "A bit, why?"

"Do you want to go for a swim?" There was an underlying tone of excitement in Harry's voice, though I could hear how hard he tried to suppress it. I wondered if he didn't want to seem too hopeful. The mere thought had me saying yes immediately.

Harry grinned and lifted us both up out of the seat. "You can change in the tent," he stated. I nodded slowly, making my way over to the spacious place we would be occupying for the next however many nights. I unzipped it and crawled in carefully, sure to not track any dirt in, and slipped off my clothes.

I discarded them into the corner and tugged a rather skimpy bikini onto my body. I frowned at the material. I hadn't packed for myself, it was all the boys, and I knew they had managed to get into my flat and get all of my things, but this was most definitely not mine.

I didn't own any pink lace bikinis with little white bows on them. No.

I stepped out of the tent, arms crossed over my chest, and found Harry changed into his swimsuit trunks with his shirt still on in one of the chairs, his phone in hand as he texted someone. I cleared my throat and he looked up, his lips stretching into a grin as his eyes swept over my body.

"Hot," he stated bluntly as he stood.

"And not mine," I added. "Where'd you get this?"

"Lou and I were shopping one day," he shrugged, "and I saw it and... well, now it's here."

"You just saw a bathing suit and bought it for me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Exactly," he nodded. "I like when girls wear pink. You're my favorite girl, therefore you will wear pink. Come on."

I gaped at his back as he began to walk up the slope of the hill that led to the lake and shook my head at him. I liked the change in his attitude, however. He wasn't being so incredibly careful with me. It was refreshing almost.

The lake was beautiful. I had expected something murky, tainted by dirt and pollution, but no. It was crystal clear and beautiful in the setting sun. I stepped toward it, getting my toes wet, and sighed. The water was oddly warm, not at all cold as I had expected.

"You like it?" Harry whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I felt his bare chest press against my back and I relaxed against him. "I love it," I assured him. He twisted me around to face him and ducked his head down to attach his lips to mine.

Our mouths moved slowly against each other, and I'm sure we would have stayed locked in our passionate embrace for several minutes had I not lost my footing and fallen backwards into the water, tugging Harry along with me.

I pushed up from beneath the water to find Harry directly above me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and grinned. "You're adorable," he stated before stealing a quick kiss from my lips and then disappearing from my side.

He began to swim out towards the center of the lake and I followed as quickly as I could. I could reach the bottom just barely when I got to where he had stopped.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he nodded to the view of the remainder of the lake with giant trees as a backdrop. I nodded in agreement and felt him pull me closer to him by my waist.

"I love this," he murmured. "Being here with you. Alone."

"Hmm," I hummed, unable to reply coherently as his head dipped to kiss along my neck. During my time with Seth, neck kissing had always been a turn on, always. But with Harry it was something else entirely. Electric shocks seemed to flash up and down the spots where his lips touched.

I let out a low moan as he nipped at my skin and then glided his tongue across it. I could hear his breathy chuckle as he pressed sloppy kisses up my jaw, pausing at the corner of my mouth, before he pulled away abruptly, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

"No," I whined. "Come back."

He let out a loud laugh and it echoed off the trees. "You're truly adorable," he sighed, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Race you to the other side of the lake."


Harry and I had swam for nearly an hour when I got out for a rest. The sun was gone now, leaving the lake dark and eerie, yet I wasn't scared in the slightest. The moon provided some light to comfort me, and besides, I was with Harry.

I rested near his abandoned shirt, watching him as he swam laps. He would continuously flick his dark, wet curls from his eyes and sometimes I found him looking my way. When our gaze would meet he'd wink before ducking under the water again.

Everything was quiet aside from the sounds of the woods when I heard Harry's phone beep beside me. The noise startled me and I frowned, picking it up from where it lay against his shirt.

From Unknown Number: 

You don't have very long, you know. We're going to get her, Styles. And then we're going to get you.

My heart thundered against my chest as I stared at the text message. Before I could truly process the words I heard Harry approaching. In a panic, I deleted the message, and set Harry's phone down just before he came to sit beside me. I didn't want that text message ruining our trip, no matter if the purpose for said trip was for my safety in the first place.

"Hey, baby," he murmured, kissing my cheek.

"Hi," I smiled weakly.

He frowned, pushing his wet hair away from his forehead. "Are you okay?"

I took a deep breath and nodded, putting on the best poker face I could muster.


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