"There is one sentence I've thought of especially for me," I said carefully. Zayn looked up, partially surprised by my sudden willingness. The bacon was almost ready to be taken out but he set the spatula down and gave me his full attention. His dark eyes were intense and mysterious, the way they always seemed to be.

I took a deep breath and looked down at the pink silk that still adorned my body. I really needed to change, but now wasn't the time. With caution, I hooked my thumbs into the sides of my shorts. When I looked up to see Zayn's reaction, his eyebrows were raised, his mouth in a straight line, but he was watching me carefully, waiting.

I tugged down the material slightly, just enough to reveal my right hipbone. There, in small ink, were the three words. It was the only tattoo I had ever gotten, and I had kept it hidden from everyone. Of course, Seth had seen it multiple times, but only ever when he was too drunk to notice. I repressed a shudder.

I did, however, shudder as Zayn's index finger brushed over the words. "Please fix me," he murmured, his eyes meeting mine as he straightened up.

I nodded shakily, uncertain of how he would react to the ink forever on my hip.

"I think it's beautiful," he told me, ignoring the protesting crackle of the bacon behind him. "It's perfect for you."

I smiled, a genuine true smile that wasn't even a tiny bit forced, and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back, pressing the scratchy hair on his face against my head before he withdrew and turned off the burner.

"I think you should show Harry," he added as he flipped the bacon onto a plate.

"Really?" I had felt completely uncertain showing Zayn, but showing Harry felt like it would be even more difficult purely because he was Harry. I didn't want him to be disgusted with the one permanent inking on my body, to be disgusted with my plead for help.

"Really," he nodded. "Has he ever shown you his tattoos?"

"No," I answered. Of course, I had noticed the many drawings that adorned his skin, but I had never asked about them. Tattoos seemed like a private thing to me, all special and unique for each person. I had noticed one particular tattoo on his body, a simple 'A' near the crease of his elbow. I wondered who or what it represented, but I never asked.

"I think he would like you sharing that with him," Zayn smiled slightly as I covered up the writing on my hip once more. "And in return, I think he might open up about a few of his tattoos as well."

I considered it. Sharing something so intimate and personal with Harry seemed terrifying. I didn't like to judge others on their body art, but I feared that maybe he would, no matter how many tattoos covered his skin.

"Go on," he encouraged. "Trust me."

I nodded slowly, allowing Zayn to give me a bit of confidence as I headed back upstairs. Harry was sat up in bed with his cellphone, his ringlets messier than normal, when I entered. As soon as I had stepped over the threshold he was smiling and tossing his phone aside.

With just two long strides he was next to me, his arms wrapping around my waist and tugging me closer to him. I obliged, resting my head against his bare chest. His fingers combed through my partially knotted hair, leaving it smooth against my back.

"How did you sleep?" I asked after a moment. I pulled back slightly to look at his face.

"Good... until you left," he added, his eyes brighter than usual. I blushed and shook my head at him but he nodded in response. "I'm serious. I told you, I like having you close to me." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips. Before he could take it any farther, I pulled away. He frowned in confusion.

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