I stepped towards them. "Tell me what the fuck is going on."

They all seemed a bit shocked by my anger.

"Alice, it's not for you to worry--"

"I might not have known Harry for as long as you all have, and maybe I'm not even important to him or any of you or any of this, but if Harry's hurt or in trouble, I think I have some right to know after all I've been through with him," I burst out.

"Alice, please--"

"Harry was on the phone with me earlier when all of a sudden he started swearing and he hung up. We haven't heard from him since," Zayn cut off what Louis was about to say.

"W-where was he going?" I asked quietly, surprised that Zayn was including me in his conversation.

"We're not entirely sure," he admitted. "There's a good possibility, though, that he's in trouble. His exact location is unknown, but based on the music I could hear in the background, I think he was at a club. That's all we've got so far."

My mind seemed to be moving too quickly for me, but I managed to choke out, "I think I know where he is."

They all stared at me incredulously, all except for Zayn. He looked curious before he nodded curtly. "You three stay here," he told the others. "Alice and I will go scout out wherever she thinks it is. If we find anything, I'll call you."

He plucked his leather jacket from the couch and was out the door, leaving me to stare at Niall, Liam, and Louis who all looked dumbfounded.

"Be safe," Louis said after a moment. The other two nodded.

I hurriedly walked to Louis and wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug before planting a kiss to each of their cheeks and running out the door to where Zayn's car idled. It was dark, suited perfectly for him, with all tinted windows.

As we zoomed back into town at speeds that were illegal, Zayn made small talk but I wasn't particularly up for it. My mind was set on the situation I was getting myself into. If Harry wasn't where I thought he was, then what else could we do?

When we had finally managed our way back into Bradford the sun was setting. I began giving Zayn directions until there it was: the nightclub, Velvet. It was the same one I had first met Harry at. The same one that I had saved him from in the alleyway to the side of it. And the same one I was sure he was at now, though it was just a gut feeling, not a fact.

It was barely dark but even from outside I could tell that the party inside was in full swing.

Zayn pulled his car to a stop across the street and turned to look seriously at me. "When we go in there, I want you to stay by my side the entire time. I don't care what happens. I don't care if you see Harry. You stay with me. These clubs... this one in particular... they're dangerous. I don't want anything to happen to you. Do you understand?"

I nodded in confirmation. I would have to thank Zayn later for this.

We both got out of his car and together we walked to the club.

His arm was around my waist in seconds once he'd smoothly gotten past the guard at the front, simply by implying that he was part of Harry's gang, and just so happened to be second-in-command. People were dancing raucously around, drinking and stumbling over one another. Bass shook the ground. A heavy beat pulsed from the speakers.

"What do we now?" I called over the music. Zayn frowned at me, obviously unable to hear. I stopped him and bent up to his ear to repeat the words. He had to bend down to answer me.

"We look for Harry," he replied. "I have a fairly good idea of where he might be though."

I nodded, not up for anymore of this shouting into each others ears over the music and he pulled me through the crowds. I was grateful when we reached a much more mellow area where people were mostly just drinking. Only a few stragglers were dancing... or making out. Mostly the latter.

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