I glanced back at the door to Harry's home, noting that it was wide open. I wondered if my lack of covering up the evidence had been foolish or not, but I didn't have a lot of time to ponder that as I chose to go right towards what looked like a boulevard.

I noticed that most of the shops were closed for the night, which meant less chance of running into any unwelcome people. I began to slow my pace, my breathing heavy from my spur-of-the-moment escape when I heard the sudden rev of an engine beside me.

I jumped, my head snapping around to look at a black Range Rover with the windows rolled down. Harry leaned toward me, eyebrows raised. I was surprised that his expression wasn't dark like I'd imagined, but amused instead.

"Thought you could run, did you, princess?" he inquired as he cut the engine and stepped out, looming over me even from his place below the curb.

I took an automatic step away from him. "I-I wasn't running," I replied stupidly. Red color flooded my cheeks the moment the words fell from my mouth. Harry let out a quiet laugh, his curls shaking as he tipped his head back slightly.

"Why is that funny?" I frowned, defensively crossing my arms over my chest.

He shrugged and leaned back against the closed door of his car. "You amuse me."

It was my turn to raise the eyebrows. He smirked at my incredulity with his statement. I failed to see how crashing my escape plan was, in any way, amusing. I couldn't understand how anything shared between the two of us could possibly be even considered that.

"Well I'm done amusing you." I narrowed my eyes as he let out another laugh.

"This is only the beginning, baby," he winked. My jaw dropped at his word choice and actions.

"Baby?" I hissed. "What happened to princess?"

"I thought you didn't like that one," he mused, cocking an eyebrow as he gazed at me. I realized for a fleeting moment that his eyes were a dazzling shade of green, bright and sparkling with amusement as he watched me.

I gave him a pointed glare before turning and marching off in the opposite direction. I had to try to get away from him any way that I could. I wasn't going to play these games anymore.

I felt fingers wrap around my wrist a moment later though and tug me back. My body spun slightly to face him and I forced myself to balance before I could smack into his chest.

"Nice try," he smirked, "but I'm not letting you off that easy."

"Off what?" I huffed, tearing my wrist from his grasp. "I don't see the point in any of this. I want to go home, snuggle under a blanket on my couch, and watch Finding Nemo while drinking tea. I don't want to be held captive in some gang member's warehouse--"

Harry clamped a hand over my mouth as my voice began to rise. I stared at him through wide eyes, fear jolting through me at the contact, but his eyes still held that certain playful depth to them.

"We don't need to shout that," he said. His tone was still light, but I noticed the force in it as well. A familiar darkness swirled in his vibrant eyes as he watched me carefully nod my head against his restraints. His hand dropped a moment later.

"As for the point," he continued, "I'm keeping you safe."

"From S-someone?"

Harry cocked his head to the side, eyeing me speculatively. It was obvious that he had detected my slight slip of the tongue. The slight slip of the tongue where I had almost said my abusive ex-boyfriend's name. I gazed back at him evenly, hoping that he wouldn't bring it up.

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