I'm made from China: Can I also get one?

LeaderHu: Sure, why not

DancingKing: Okay back to my question

Drama trash: Our dad is probably Jinho. Who knows what they do behind the doors

Hongmom: Jinho??

HighNoteKing: Yeah why me?

Drama trash: Like come on guys, don't deny that you like each other. It's like written all over your faces

Hongmom: Me liking him? Don't be stupid

HighNoteKing: Hey that hurt. What's wrong with me

Hongmom: Hm.......................oh...................you...................you know..................

..................hm ...............like..................it's................................hm.....................

.....oh.......................just...........................you know....................................like......

......yeah.................you know......

HighNoteKing: No I don't know, please explain

Hongmom: I hate you Yeo one!!

Drama trash:  ^_-    and yesterday you said I was your best son

I'm made from China: You always says that I'm your best son

Hongmom: Yeah you are now

Drama trash: Please continue Hongseok. I think Jinho wants to know

HighNoteKing: Have I done something? Are you angry at me? Do you want me to help you more in the dorm? With the kids? With the food? Waking up earlier in the morning?

Takoyaki prince: Don't take it that far hyung. No one want to go up earlier

Hongmom: Take it easy Jinho, you have not done anything wrong

HighNoteKing: What is it then?

Drama trash: Yes what is it......MOM

Hongmom: You know Jinho....................it's..........................you are...................................

.............we are.................hm....................I......................this..............What I want to say is...................oh...................you know.............. we.................they...............I......

.......................You are to short

~ Hongmom has logged off ~

HighNoteKing: I'm to short, for what?

Drama trash: He so likes you hyung

HighNoteKing:........ You think?

DancingKing: Wait! you like him too!

HighNoteKing: I never said that

~ HighNoteKing has logged off ~

DancingKing: This needs to experiment with

Drama trash: A plan?

DancingKing: A plan

~ DancingKing has logged off ~

~ Drama trash has logged off ~

Takoyaki prince: This can be interesting

I'm made from China: Does this mean that we soon will have Jinho as our dad?

Takoyaki prince: Probably, if not dumb and dumber do something stupid

I'm made from China: What if they do?😔

Takoyaki prince: Don't worry Yanan, I will look after them

I'm made from China: Aww thank you ^0^

~ Takoyaki prince has logged off ~

Screaming pill: I'm so confused. What are we talking about

Hamburge is life: Just scroll up and read it from the beginning

LeaderHu: Don't do it

Screaming pill: Why not Hui?

LeaderHu: It's just......................you can't.........................something bad will happen...

..........You will get hurt..................don't......................please........

Hamburger is life: Please stop Hui, I'm tired from Hongseok doing that

LeaderHu: It's your own fault

Screaming pill: I really don't understand anything

GiantMaknae: Hui likes y.....

LeaderHu: And we stop there Wooseok. I will treat you to ice cream, NOW!

~ LeaderHu has logged off ~

GiantMaknae: Yey! Ice cream

Hamburger is life: Wait Wooseok who could you just stop texting in the middle like that

GiantMaknae: I would never write it, I'm just teasing him. But don't say anything

Hamburger is life: Promise

GiantMaknae: Come now Yanan, ice cream is waiting!

I'm made from China: Yey!!

~ GiantMaknae has logged off ~

~ I'm made from China has logged off ~

Screaming pill: Wait who does Hui hyung like. Is it Yanan?

Hamburger is life: Why do you think that

Screaming pill: Because Wooseok wrote a Y

Hamburger is life: Oh........

Screaming pill: Is it Yanan? Or is it Yuto? Or maybe Yeo one?

Hamburger is life: Sorry not gonna tell you. Ice cream time!

~ Hamburger is life has logged off ~

Screaming pill: What should I do if he likes someone else? Maybe I should tell him that I like him?.....................................No it's better if I'm quiet. I will just go and watch Vixx's 6th anniversary, they have maybe some tips

~ Screaming pill has logged off ~


Wow the first ships are starting now, will they sail or not? ^o^

I also want to say happy 6th anniversary Vixx, I love you so much. I have only been a starlight for less than half a year, but you guys have learned me a lot and I will always support you in everything you do. Thanks for being you 😎😘❤

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