Dave : it was too crowded in there, we need to talk.

Charlene : about what?

Dave : well, this plan is clearly not working so we need a better one to get Martinus to like you.

Charlene : like what?

Dave : I don't know, think!!

I thought for a moment. Not about what he wanted me to think about but how I was gonna get out of this. I hated what I was doing to their relationship and wish I could tell them everything but I knew I couldn't because Dave will somehow destroy my full career and everything I've worked for.

Dave suddenly widened his eyes and mouth.

Dave : I've got it!!!

Charlene : got what?

Dave : the best idea!!!

Uh oh. Somehow I knew this wasn't a good idea and won't end well...for anybody.


Megan's POV ///

Marcus, Lara, Amy, Martinus and I and some of the dancers including Lukas were all hanging out in one of the rooms in the arena. It was about 1 hour until Marcus and Martinus had to go on stage so HRVY was on right now.

You could say that we were all kinda having a party for Martinus and I getting back together. Music was on in the background and everyone was just so happy and pumped.

Oh yeah and the voice coach was also there doing exercises with them to get their voices warmed up before they go on stage. We were all laughing at them as they did funny movements with their mouths and made strange noises.

Marcus : its more fun than it looks!

Lara : it looks pretty fun actually.

Martinus : why don't you join us then?

Lara : well alright, i mean if you insist.

She stood up beside them and began copying the voice coach as the four of them did the weird movements together.

We all laughed at them as they got right into it. Amy and some of the dancers then stood up and joined in. I was still laughing hysterically at them.

Martinus : come on Megan! You're missing out!

Megan : em no I'm good just watching thanks.

Martinus : don't be a fun sponge!

Megan : a what?!?

Martinus : a fun sponge. Someone who sucks all the fun out of everything ahaha

Megan : oh well I don't want to be a fun sponge then do i!?

Martinus : nope.

I joined them all in the very exaggerated voice exercises before all of us were doing it. Everyone except from Lukas.

Megan : come on Lukas!

Lukas : no thanks.

Megan : ugh come on.

Lukas : Megan no I don't want to.

Megan : now who's the fun sponge?

Lukas : I said no!!!

I backed away a bit startled. I had never heard his voice raised before and it gave me quite a fright.

Martinus : wow Lukas, what's up with you?

He stood in front, protecting me.

Lukas : what is it to you!?!?

Megan : Lukas!

Lukas : no, he's got no right to ask me how I am!

Martinus : dude, I think you should calm down.

Lukas : no, why should I?!?!

He began to take a few steps closer. This was the first time I had actually felt scared of Lukas. I didn't know what was wrong with him. I didn't like it.

Martinus : Lukas, don't do this.

Lukas : don't do what!!?! I'm just walking!!

Martinus : Lukas.

He suddenly pushed Martinus into me with force. Martinus surprisingly remained calm and stayed in front of me.

Martinus : Lukas, stop. We could forget about this.

Lukas : what if I don't want to forget about this?!?

He pushed him again. I took a step backwards and so did everyone else.

Martinus : calm down.

Lukas : I won't! I'm perfectly calm!!!

He pushed him one last time but this time pushed me too by accident. I fell to the floor. Martinus took one glimpse of what he did to me and suddenly charged at him.

Megan : Martinus no stop!!!

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now