Telling "them"

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Adriana's POV

Brendan and I have now been dating for about a week, my parents don't know yet because they are really quick to judge so I'm slow to tell them things so they just think I'm going over to my friend Emilie's house when I've really been going over to Brendan's house, Brendan's parents knew on the day we started dating, I like his parents more than my own, I'm an only child but I don't get the joys of being an only child, I get ignored, yelled at constantly, not taken anywhere, I buy my own clothes, and it's rare that I get a birthday present from them, yeah they hate me. "Brendan I'm scared..." I said with my voice cracking every so often. "Hey babe would me going with you help?" He asked, with sincerity in his eyes and voice. "Please?" I asked, scared to do it by myself. "Okay let's go, I believe in you babe, don't be scared." He said, trying to comfort me with his words. "yeah, okay." I said, trying to reassure myself as well as Brendan.

----Adriana's house----

"Mom, dad, me and Brendan need to tell y'all something." I said as calm as possible. "What is it?" The ask in unison. I took a big breath before speaking "Umm, okay s-" I was trying to tell them but Brendan cut me off "what she is trying to say is that me and her are a thing and will be for as long as we can be and if you don't except it then it's fine we will leave you guys alone, but if you do except it then that's great!" He said getting kind of louder as he spoke. My parents looks changed from normal to mad, "GET OUT!!" My parents yelled at both of us, rude much?

Brendan's POV

I looked over at Adriana after her parents out burst and she was starting to cry. "hey it's going to be okay," I said trying to comfort her "do you want to just stay with me?" "can I?" She said with hope, that she could get out of this hell hole of a home. "Yeah, come on let's pack your stuff and go." I said as we started packing all her important stuff that could fit into 5 suitcases.


Look I know I haven't updated to a while and I'm sorry I've been really busy lately! Anyways I hope you like this chapter, vote/comment please it means a lot when you do

- Emily!

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