I nodded, my tears fell and were absorbed by the soft cotton of his t-shirt. "My- my mom said I'd be a failure like my d-dad." My voice shook. I was trying to keep composed.

"Hey." He sat down on the bed and sat me on his lap. "You will never be a failure. Autumn you're so smart, you have such a drive. You will never fail at anything." He whispered, pushing the hair behind my ears and wiping my tears away with his thumb. "You will go so far and do amazing things. I'll be by your side supporting and cheering you the whole way."

I buried my head into his shoulder, breathing in his heady scent.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." He lifted my head up and kissed me softly.

A small kiss, full of passion and love. His lips like a pillow pressed softly against mine. Kissing me soft, as if he went harder I would crack and break.

I leaned my forehead on his.

"You can stay here as long as you want tonight. My mom won't mind." He stroked his thumb on my cheek.

I nodded. "Thank you. I'm sorry I'm such a mess."

"Autumn." He sat up a little straighter. "None of this is your fault. You are not a mess. You are perfect." He said serious, trying to convince me.

"Dinner!" Lisa called up the stairs.

"Food! Food! Food!" We heard Grayson yell as he ran past Ethans room and down the stairs.

I couldn't help but giggle.

"Ugh." Ethan shook his head. "Why is he so weird."

I giggled. "You're weird too."

"Not like he is." He got up and took my hand. "Let's go eat. This pastas the best."

We made our way downstairs and Grayson smiled at us. "Hey Autumn!" He was pouring milk for everyone. "I'm so excited for this pasta!" He grinned and plopped into his chair.

Lisa set a plate infront of him and he grinned. "Hell yeah!"

"Grayson!" She looked at him.

"Heck yeah!" He said a little quieter.

Lisa set a plate infront of me. It smelled amazing and looked even better. "Thank you."

After we all sat down, I took my first bite. "Wow." I looked at Lisa after swallowing. "This is delicious!"

"Thank you deary!" She smiled.

Ethan and Grayson both were shoveling it into their mouths.

I giggled at Ethan. "And you said you weren't as weird as Gray."

The twins both looked at eachother and shrugged.

"I'm bigger." Gray winked.

Lisa slapped the back of Graysons head. "You shush young man!"

"Yeah young man!" Ethan laughed.

I smiled down at them and down at my pasta as I continued to eat.

My family didn't have family dinners anymore, it had been so long.

Eating dinner with their family felt so right, it gave me a sense of peace.

That they were like my second family.

I would forever cherish them and this moment.

Just because my family was falling apart didn't mean I was alone. I had them. All of them.

I wouldn't be as alone as I mentally ever felt.

"You okay?" Ethan looked over, some homemade tomato sauce on his chin.

I giggled and wiped it away. "Perfect."

Ethan nodded and smiled. "I just remembered we have school tomorrow damn it." He frowned.

"Language!" Lisa shook her head. "You'll have fun!"

Ethan nodded. "Can Autumn stay the night?"

"No!" Grayson yelled.

"If you're both good, then yes!"

Ethan grinned. "Thanks mom!"

We finished eating and I helped Lisa with the dishes.

Ethan came and put his arms around me. "Ready to go upstairs?"

I nodded.

We went upstairs and he tossed me one of his red t-shirts. "Alright love." He laid down and opened his arms. "Cuddle me!"

I laughed and crawled into his arms.

He traced small circles on my side. "How did I get so lucky?" He whispered.

"I say the same about you everyday." I smiled softly at him.

It didn't take long before we both dozed off, still so tired from our spring break.

Hi! Oh my gosh thank you so so so much with my whole heart for 1k reads! You all are so amazing! This means so much you guys are reading and enjoying this! Keep the comments and voting up! I read every comment😊💙

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