"Yes it is true Autumn! You don't care about me at all! You're up your fathers ass to get away from me! You'll turn out a failure just like him!"

"No she won't! I'm not a failure and she won't be either!" My dad snapped.

I shook my head, tears glossing over my eyes. I went upstairs to my room.

"Autumn!" My dad called as I went up.

I ignored him.

I needed to go to my room, I needed to be alone.

As I locked the door I leaned against it, my forehead pressing on the cold wood.

My breaths were slow, deep to try to calm myself down. I didn't want to cry.

I couldn't take this anymore. I hated having to be called downstairs when an arguement was happening right before, or during it.

As I made my way over to my bed and sat down, the aloneness started to hurt. My heart was aching, my head was hurting. I felt sick.

Anxiety and stress hitting me at times like this.

I texted Ethan. I didn't want to be alone with my thoughts, I didn't trust myself.

Me: hey what are you doing?

I laid back and waited for a response. During the waiting time, I heard my dad go to his room and slam the door.

It didn't take long before Ethans blue heart appeared on my screen.

Ethan💙: nothing love. Why?

Me: can I come over?

Ethan💙: of course! You can even stay for dinner. My moms making homemade pasta since Gray and I are back

I smiled slightly. A homecooked meal like that sounded so good right now.

I threw on a pair of running shorts and a green t-shirt. Slipping on my crocs I snuck back downstairs.

I grabbed my keys and wallet and slid out the backdoor. I didn't want to walk past my mom in the living room. Not now.

I decided to just walk down to his house. The walk wasn't far so it was fine.

I made my way to his house, admiring the flowers that had bloomed even more than last time.

I rang the doorbell and Ethan appeared. His hair slightly messy, he was in shorts and a white t-shirt. "Woah Autumn what happened?" He looked at me, eyes laced with concern.

I guess I look as sad as I feel.

I just looked down. I didn't want to say it with his mom being only a few steps away in the kitchen.

"Here." He took my hand and walked me in. "Hey mom! Autumns here!"

"Autumn dear!" She came and hugged me. "How are you?"

"I'm okay." I hugged her back giving her a fake smile.

"We're going to go upstairs." Ethan put his arm around me.

Lisa nodded. "I'll yell down when dinners ready!"

We gave her a slight nod each and Ethan dragged me upstairs. We reached his door and he wasted no time in locking it. "What happened?" He whispered, his arms wrapping around me, forehead pressing onto my head.

"My parents..." I just looked away, the tears welling in my eyes again.

He pulled me into a tight hug. "It's okay princess." He whispered, placing a small kiss ontop of his head. "I'm here. I'll hold you. I'll protect you."

Broken Pieces {E.D.}Where stories live. Discover now