chapter 18

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It's weird to sit in front of him like I'm his best friend. Actually ... ain't I?

I sigh and look at him. "Should we ... finally leave the bar?" I ask, glancing at the clock. "It's already 11 pm.", I say. Louis, however, shakes his head. "I'd like to stay here ...", he says and looks up at me, his ice-blue eyes a bit watery.

Externally, I do not show it, but it hurts to see him like that. He seems to really have problems with his parents. But as an adult? Could not he have packed all his things and left?

Well, everyone would think that at this point. However, we ask questions like these all the time, but it brings nothing. All this 'why?' and 'what?'. If a person has made a decision, then they probably have a reason for it. For example because of past experiences.

I look at him intensely. "I'm sorry.", I say. He furrows his eyebrows. "What  should you be feeling sorry about?", he asks, watching me get up and take my jacket.

As I stand in the doorway, I breathe and put my hand on the latch. "Just everything.", I say. "How it all ended ... and that I allowed something so special as that between us to just decay like dust."

And then the door closes behind me.


"Louis, did you know your star sign is special?" I ask Louis, smiling as he looks at me a bit confused. ,,My zodiac sign? Something special?'', he asks. "Oh please, do not come to me with this horoscope crap.", he says and I laugh softly."It's not crap!", I argue.

Louis nods theatrically. "Yes, of course! Horoscopes make no sense. '', he says. I look at him. "Oh, so you mean all those stars in the sky are there for no reason?", I ask. He shrugs. "You could say so, yeah.'', he says.

I smile a little and shake my head. Louis sighs. "Do not shake your head, Harry.", he says in a more serious tone. Confused, I furrow my eyebrows slightly so that a crease forms between them.

"Louis, what's wr- ''. "Not everything has any sense or purpose in this world, Harry!", he says. I'm confused. "L-Louis, what happened? Did I say something wrong?'', I ask, puzzled.

He, however, only rolls his eyes. Why is he so angry suddenly?

I watch as he gets up and puts his phone in his pocket. "Your little glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling - for which you are really too old, by the way - also don't make sense! Nothing has any meaning, Harry. Everything will eventually go away someday.'', he says. "And your stupid stars might as well disappear someday eventually too."

And when the door closes, I can do nothing but stare at it and ask myself what the hell happened.

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