pidge a princess???

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Piged just woke up from her Dream she was sweating .pidge is scared to go Back pidge got up to take a shower she let the water fall over her hair her body to relax when she finish showering and changing clothes

pidge is scared to go Back pidge got up to take a shower she let the water fall over her hair her body to relax when she finish showering and changing clothes

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her head was hurting like if it was going to explode. she was screaming but not to loud she was on the floor whimpering as she got pictures or vision about her being a princess and her brother being king and jake a small prince every people respect them she was playing with the kids but soon to be interrupted by a loud sound that sounded like an explosion their planet were being attack pidge took kids to the castle secrets basement to protect them pidge knew that this was coming and her brother too pidge use her ice powers to freez the kids and some adults just like aurolla falling in deep sleep and she used a spell on her people that they will wake up in a few long  years pidge when outside she saw most of her people dead blood all around her she saw her brother on the ground she ran to him .CLAY !!! CLAYYY !! STAY WITH ME PLEASE I could HEAL YOU JUST WAIT! pidge put her hand on her brother wound but her brother took his last breath to say take care of yourself and take good care of jake for me please Dont blame this on your self clay took his neckles off to give it to her. pidge took the neckless and clay look at pidge and said i love you baby sister and jake too pidge felt clay stop breathing pidge scream and cry harder than she ever cry in her life that pretty much soldiers heard as the evil soldiers where running to her .pidge let her powers take control of her creating a strong red ring around her and it blow strong red air around her and all the soldiers were turn into dust including their ships and people inside the ships and almost break the ground and the planet she was scared she alone but she remember about jake and that calm her powers  down she when Back to secret basement and saw jake in deep sleep she had the neckless clay give her she hold the neckless tight in her hand and the neckless starts to glowing a blue color she open her hand and their was two neckless crystals one blue and other red she give the blue to jake hand so when he wakes up he remembers his father and his aunt kaya and that he the next king of sceetos with a good guardian and the red one is hers now .pidge when outside quietly to see if there's  more soldiers but no one is there .only the ones dust people and her people s bodys  she berid her people s body s and made graves for them she touch the ground and use her powers to grow grass, flowers,tress , tree fruits ,her planet is full of her energy. she create a powerful shield with her powers and a piece of clays neckless so when half of her people wakes up from deep sleep there are protect by this shield
            End  of flashback vision

Coran was going to pidge room to ask her if she could help him with something but when he knock  4 times on pidge door  she didn't answer so coran enter the room and saw pidge on the ground unconscious and bleeding from her nose coran called the paladins
PALADINS HURRY COME HELP PIDGE ALLURA GET THE PUD READY coran yelled carrying pidge bride style while everyone was counfused why coran was yelling but when they was coran carrying an unconscious pidge and her nose is bleeding more and more blood runing from her nose to her neck everybody panic especially shiro

i could t sleep at all thinking about pidge the kiss her soft lips just about thinking of her my face turn hot and red but  i was interrupted by allura  hey shiro what are you doing said allura .oh nothing such thing about something umm so how far are we from sceetos .oh  were almost close i cant wait to meet the king so he could tell me the story how their people  survive the attack when a was little my father use to tell me the story about planet sceetos of a princess risking her  life to save her people my father told me how beautiful is sceetos a place of peace and calm but i bet sceetos dont look beautiful now poor people said allura . Allura Dont say that am sure sceetos is till  beautiful ) me and allura stare at each other allura was getting close to my face but i stop her. umm arulla  ... what are you doing  
Shiro i ..i like you for a very long time and ...                                       

arulla i dont think this can work i mean this could  affect the team and i really dont want that im sorry

B..b ..but shiro i dont see anyone againts thats please can we at least try please if it doents works then lets go Back being friends

But i like pidge but she deserve someone her age not an old guy like me poeple soon will  start to judge about her and  about us if i tell allura that i love pidge am sure that allura will hurt pidge i dont anyone to hurt pidge

......ummm ok allura

Allura was happy that shiro and her are dating now ... umm so can we tell the team about us before we land on sceetos please shiro

Yea ok allura kissed shiro but were interrupted hunk and lance and keith the guys were shoock that thier kissed

So are you guys dating or something said keith with almost angry vioce

Yeah we are  said allura
The 3 guys did not happy because they knew how pidge felt about shiro she love him  this is  going to break pidge heart

Kieth was about to say something but coran yelled from the hallways PALANDINS HURRY COME HELP PIDGE ALLURA GET READY THE POD coran ran with pidge in his arms her nose bleeding more everyone panic CORAN WHAT HAPPEN said shiro I DONT KNOW I WENT TO PIDGE ROOM AND SHE WAS ON THe WAS GROUND HE HAVE TO GET THE POD HURRY we get pidge on the pod.  what s wrong with pidge
Coran . Umm she had very  low pressure and not eating nor sleeping stress as well said coran   this is all my fault i the leader of this team and my jod is to check if everybody was fine i completely forgot about this

Shiro its not your fault we should all have check on pidge but the question here is what is pidge so stress about said keith

Yeah your right when she comes out of the pod we will answer said shiro

Well that will have to wait because we are here in sceetos
Said allura

  End of shiro s pov

Mystery pod

My king the guess are here said the king guardian ) oh thank you   leo you know something tells me that today is going to be a wanderful day i could feel it said the king touching his crystal blue nekless

My king the guess are here said the king guardian ) oh thank you   leo you know something tells me that today is going to be a wanderful day i could feel it said the king touching his crystal blue nekless

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