Chapter 9: Questions are Answered At Last...Well...Some

Start from the beginning

Jack found his eyes welling with tears.

The old woman now looked up at Jack sternly, her eyes narrowed. "You better not hurt her, because I promise you," She grabbed his sleeve, "If you do you will never forget what I do to you."

Her age should have lessened the intimidation, but instead, he felt his stomach twist. She may have been old, but something told him there was nothing that would stop this woman filling out her threat. Before he could respond Katherine came downstairs.

"You can come upstairs now, oh!" She stared at the picture, "Are you telling Jack some of your stories?" She smirked.

The woman nodded, smiling, then elbowed Jack lightly, "You two don't have too much fun now."

He didn't want to respond to this, as Katherine's offended flush seemed to speak volumes. Instead, he headed upstairs watching as the woman put away the old drawings.


Katherine handed Jack a cold cup of tea, holding her hot one in her chilled hands to give them some warmth. She had changed into some warm sweats and a yellow star covered sweater while she was gone. It was altogether different from the well put together girl he was used to. Not that he minded. She looked more relaxed.

Jack sat in her window calmly, his legs crossed. He hadn't cared about the mess he was in, but Katherine had insisted to at least wash his jumper. It had taken some persuading, but he had given it to her and now sat feeling bizarrely naked without the jacket.

Morning light streamed through a crack in the curtain that she carefully tucked in before turning to Jack. The girl, now Guardian sat across from him, Kailash's head resting on her lap. The discomfort between them had become greater since the discovery. He noticed the way her eyes rested on him as if trying to decipher some cold. He coughed into his fist then shifted and whispered. "Are you going to tell me your story?"

She huffed and shook her head, "I thought you were going to start."

"Me?" He pointed to himself, "Who said you had a lot to talk about."

"I said us, and besides, you're the one who lied about your name!"

"You lied about yours!"

"But that's part of my job, not yours!"

"How is that part of your job?"

She held up a hand stopping the argument in its place. "Okay, it is clear we are not going to agree on this."

He scoffed.

"So, what if we...take turns asking questions."

He nodded then took a deep breath. At the same time, they both asked a question. What it was Jack couldn't hear, and by the time he had realized she had spoken he had already forgotten what he had asked. They glared at each other for a moment. "Maybe I should go first."

"You? What happened to ladies first?"

"Age before beauty!" He joked putting a hand on his chest. She threw a pillow at him, making him almost spill his tea on his chest. Chuckling he pushed the pillow down. "How about we rock, paper, scissors for the first question."

She scowled, "We're not five Jackson."

He rolled his eyes, "Fine, let's flip a coin then."

Katherine reached into her pocket pulling out an old penny, it had to be from the 1800's. But before he could contemplate why she had it, she said, "Heads or tails?"

"Tails." he blurted automatically.

She flipped the coin, the bright copper swirling in the air before landing placidly on the back of the guardian's hand. Jack leaned over to look at it and let out a whoop. "Yes!" He shouted, nearly spilling his tea all over her window seat. Katherine rolled her eyes and put the coin in her pocket. When the spirit had calmed, he sat down again and smiled at her.

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