3: I'm a waiter [EDITED]

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There was a long queue when Lana reached the location of her second job. Most of the men were looking forward to watching the dancers. She went through the back door to get to the ladies changing room. It was hectic with dancers preparing their makeup and costume for the opening act. She changes into her work uniform, a white long sleeve with a black skirt. It was her last resort to work 16 hours per day. Jules's girlfriend was 'kind' enough to recommend the vacancy when she heard Lana was thinking of moving out. The job as a club waitress doesn't interfere with her day job and it pays double of what her internship salary does. The amount of money she's getting will be enough for her to rent an apartment of her own.

It was an exhausting Saturday night. There were plenty more customers compared to other nights. Lana kept glancing at her fancy watch hoping that her shift would end soon.

"Bottle of vodka and rum," she said, putting down the tray. The table was full of men in their 50s and the escorts were entertaining them. One of the men notices Lana's attractive face and decided to slap her on her butt. He then winked suggestively at Lana, hoping that she would entertain him as other girls did. Instead, Lana got angry and barked at him, " don't you ever do that again, you creep!"

The man was furious and ready to give her a good smack, "Why you little b-"

His movement stopped when the sexy girl beside him interrupted. "Honey, why would you touch another girl when I'm here for you?" she said hugging his shoulder. He could feel her plump breast on his arm and instantly his anger dissipated.

Lana was thankful that the girl helped her. She would have lost her job if she got in trouble with a customer again. The last time it happened, the manager had reprimanded her to keep her temper in check.

"Lana," she is at the bar waiting for the next order when she heard the manager call her name.

"I promise it won't happen again," Lana blurted when she thought that the customer had complained to the management about her.

The manager raise her eyebrow questionably, "What happened?"

"Oh, nothing. What's up?" Lana decided to play dumb since she hasn't been found out yet.

The manager looked at Lana skeptically before saying, "I have no time for your nonsense. This is very important. There's a customer in VIP room five. He's a friend of the club's owner, and he's filthy rich. He wants you in the room, RIGHT NOW." Lana has never seen the club's owner. She only heard rumors about him. He was an entrepreneur and a successful one at that. He owns a chain of high-class restaurants and clubs. Now, why would his friend want to talk to me? Lana thought.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, or you will lose your job. Decide now," she said, waiting for Lana's answer.

This guy is powerful enough to make Lana lose her job for merely refusing to meet him. "Okay, I will go, but if he tries to do something funny to me, then I'll leave."

The manager nodded her head and led Lana to the table. Up the stairs and away from the music is where the VIP room was located. The ambiance was different and there's an air of mysteriousness. It was on the second floor overlooking the stage. The room was dim; flashes of disco light seeping in. The silhouette of a man sitting in the middle of the sofa could be seen.

"Hi, sir. Lana's here as per your request."

"Okay, you may leave now," a husky, cold voice filled the room. The manager left after she gave Lana a pat on the back. "Sit down," he said. Lana obediently sat down at the opposite end of the sofa. "Closer," he ordered.

The smell of the intoxicating musky and woody cologne gets stronger as she slides closer to him. It was nerve-racking; she forces herself to look his face. Red, blue and green lights illuminate it revealing a light shade of green eyes, grey almost. His nose was high and sharp. His lips were pink and inviting. She inhale a sharp breath; she's never seen such perfection. Although Lana has only seen his back view the last time, she can't be mistaking that it's him; the same pressuring aura that she felt.

Cameron Lance closes the distance between them. He studied her bright round eyes. Lana Sage, the girl whom the news love to portray as a 'party girl', 'rebellious' and 'daring', looks like a lost Bambi in his presence. He was aware of the arrangement his father had made for them since his twenty-first birthday. Unlike Lana, he has several years of preparation to make before the wedding could took place. All of his life was to prep himself to be the successor of Lance Properties. Now, the only thing that stands in his way is Lana. He too couldn't inherit the wealth and chairman position in the future if he is not married to her.

Cameron was surprised Lana could resist her inheritances and work herself tirelessly for sixteen hours for minimum wage. He decided that it's time he placed himself in this battle of psychology. Specialized in making people dance to his rhythm, Cameron is manipulative and cunning.

Lana could feel his hot breath on her neck. His warm hand started caressing her arms. Lana shivered to his touch, he could feel her left arm's goosebumps. She pushes him when she felt an arouse. Lana never thought that Cameron is this type of man. She's debating on whether he knows that she is the 'Lana Sage' or he's just taken interest in some girl at the club. Either way, his actions are unexpected to her.

The sound of Cameron's laughter echoed in the tiny room. She stops him earlier than he expected. For a girl working at such a club, she wasn't as hospitable as he thought she would be. He stopped laughing and said, "Pathetic. You can't even do a simple thing and yet you want to work in this kind of place."

Lana was dumbfounded. She catches on quickly and realizes that Cameron has been toying with her.

I'm a waitress, not an escort. I take orders, deliver drinks and clear tables. My job doesn't require me to entertain men," Lana tried to justify her job to him.

"Waitresses, escorts, dancers; they're all the same. When a man set eyes on a woman he likes, he will try all his luck to touch her. It's happened to you before hasn't it?" He's showing his smug smile. Lana hated to admit it, but he was right. It happened twice in her first week on the job. Some other waitresses who wanted to earn more tips would entertain the customers too.

"Don't be stupid Sage. You can be the owner of this kind of club rather than waitressing. You're better off selling your body if you want to work in this kind of place."

Lana was furious if it isn't for Philip, she would have given him a tight slap on his face. The anger could not be contained, she splashed the cup of water that was on the table in his face. "I have a plan, and that plan doesn't involve you in it. Now, please excuse me, Mr. Lance."

"If the plan involves your butt cheeks to be slapped by different men every night, then you seem to be doing it right." He said before Lana left the VIP room.

There's some truth to Cameron's hurtful statement. Feeling crappy, she runs out of the club. She just wants to go home and cry herself to sleep. She lied about having a plan for herself. For the first time in her life, she was on her own without any financial support. The uncertainty of what the future holds after her internship scares her. She heard of graduates who were jobless for months and some even went back to their hometown due to the competitive industry.

"I thought you were supposed to be working!", exclaimed Jules. He uses his hand to shield his private. Lana can't believe it, out of all places they were making love on the sofa she slept on, on top of her Mr Fluffy. She couldn't let herself step into that apartment. She ran to wherever her legs could take her. Her breathing quicken, she stops by the street of her old apartment. It is different from where Jules' apartment is. It was much brighter and all the shops in the street are open.

"When did my life change so drastically?" Lana whispered to herself. 



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