She opened the chest and pulled out a sky blue thing. Xara held it out for Lukas, who grabbed it and went to the bathroom to put it on. Stepping out of the bathroom, Lukas emerged as Jesse failed to hide her red face. Petra grinned and Xara smiled.

"Well? Do you like it son?"Xara asked her eldest son.

Lukas had the biggest smile ever. "I love it, thanks mom."he told his mom as he gave her a hug.

Xara hugged back and noticed Jesse failing to hide her red face. She smirked. It was time to play Connect Love. She walked over to the same chest and pulled out two things - a bow and quiver. She handed the bow and quiver to Lukas, who gasped.

"Are these mine mom?"he asked, looking down at the dark blue bow and ocean blue arrows.

Xara nodded. "Yes their yours. I talked to a friend who specializes in making bows and arrows and asked him to make those for you. Your the only archer I know of that's not known for shooting a Royal."she explained.

Lukas smiled as he walked past Petra over to Jesse, who was blushing like crazy. Jesse calmed herself down and smiled.

"You look..."Jesse said as her eyes trailed Lukas's new outfit.

Lukas grinned, wanting to hear her answer. He switched his bow into his left hand as he sat down. Jesse sat down beside him, her eyes still trailing him.

"I look like what?"he questioned her.

Jesse was blushing madly. "Good."her voice squeaked.

Xara was whispering to Soren before he walked over to Lukas and Jesse, noticing Lukas's new look.

"Nice look Lukas. I like it."Soren commented.

"Thanks, my mom gave it to me."Lukas replied, giving Soren a small smile.

"Jesse, we have a surprise for you."Soren said, looking at his daughter.

Jesse looked up. "Okay but who's this we?"she asked, confused.

Soren led her to a room where cases were everywhere and pictures on the wall. Jesse saw pictures of her parents, her, and someone with white eyes. She took the one with her mom and some white eyed guy down, walking over to her father.

"Dad, who's this with mom?"Jesse asked as she pointed to the white eyes guy next to her mom.

Soren turned around and dropped the sword. "I have no idea but I think that whoever that guy is, he loved or loves your mother."he said, his eyes never leaving the picture.

Jesse bent down and picked the sword up, throwing it to her father. He caught it and placed it down on a table. He walked over to a case with a purple suit was sitting. Jesse walked up to the suit and gaped.

"That's mine isn't it?"she asked her father, who nodded.

"It used to be your mother's along with these."he told her, pulling out a light purple bow with bright yellow arrows and a black sword.

"I'm a lot like mom."Jesse realized as she put her new outfit on.

The once purple suit became light purple and golden yellow. She placed the quiver on her back along with her bow, placing the sword on her left side. She looked at her father, who was beginning to cry. Jesse hugged her father.

"It's okay dad."she whispered.

The next day was supposed to be training, turned out it was blind date day. Petra and Xara had set up a date for Lukas and Jesse last night and didn't tell the couple until now.

Lukas was waiting for Jesse to come so he sat in his chair, waiting patiently. He was going to tell her he loves her and wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend, though, he knew that was moving too fast. Soon, the doors opened once more and revealed Jesse in a golden yellow dress. Her black hair was up fancy thanks to Xara and Petra. Lukas had to admit, she looked a lot like her mom.

"Jesse,"Lukas said staring at her. "You look absolutely beautiful."he commented.

Jesse smiled. "Thanks Lukas. You look very handsome."she replied.

Watching the sunset was beautiful to Jesse since she had never gotten to see it ever. Going from the Palace in Sky City to the Order's Temple to BeaconTown, she never seen the sunset. Casually, Jesse leaned her head on Lukas's shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her.

"Jesse."Lukas sat up.

"Lukas."Jesse said at the same time.

"I love you."they said in unison.

Jesse laughed. To Lukas, her laugh was beautiful and very contagious as he laughed with her.

"Seriously though, I love you so much."Lukas told her.

"I love you too Lukas."Jesse said, smiling softly.

They leaned in....



...and kissed. The one thought going through their minds was

Will we go forward?


Omg! I love this scene so much! I was smiling/grinning the whole time I was writing this. XD! Anyways! Listen to the song, I think it fits Lukas and Jesse.

27 will be out soon!


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