Greeting everyone!

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I wake to my nanny, Hana's, sweet voice. I groggily get up as I rub my eyes. I yawn, grab my clothes, and head to the bathroom to change. 


I wake up to my older brother knocking me off of my bed.  Unlike me, he has an extremely American name. Johnny. Johnny Rey. 

"Johnny!" I say tired and annoyed. 

"What? Mom told me to get you up in the morning and you wouldn't get your lazy ass up. And you wouldn't get up from anything else so shut the hell up and get dressed." (sorry bout the language) 

"I can't till you get the heck out. Unless of course you want to see me naked, which would be disgusting due to-" I get cut off by Johnny.

"Ya know what? I'm good, you go and change and I'll get ready to drive you to school! And is your not ready in 20 minutes I'm gonna come back to get you! 

Sorry this is both short AND late, I got busy with school, finals are coming up so there is going to be a bit f a delay or little updates...

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