Part 3- Soccer

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I'm always careful with Nissy, when we were in 4-6th grade we were best friends and I mean best friends. We used to do everything together, Nissy and I used to go to the skatepark and I would teach her how to ride. Letś just say she didn't get it, and I couldn't get why.

Then, there was the stabbing. NOT like that stabbing behind the back kinda stabbing.

  In 6th grade she really liked this boy named Brandon and she asked me to help, so me trying to be the ¨Best friend¨ that I was I tried to help her. So, I went up to Brandon and I told him that Nissy liked him but with my luck he said.

¨Well I don't like her, in that way.¨

¨Please. Brandon you don't know how much this means to her.¨

¨London I know she's your friend but how come she don't ask me her self.¨

¨I don't know but..¨ I just walked away I didn't even finish my sentence I just turned around.

  I'm actually glad he said no, he is such a dick now it's unreal.. Any way back on the story, but I promise I'll make it quick.

So, I told Nissy what he said and she accused me of lying so I can have him for myself, witch first of all no why would I ever like a 6th grade jerk who can't even spell 'handkerchief' and who had fights in the middle of the hallway for no reason. 2 weeks later she spread a rumor about me that almost got me expelled from the school, then she broke my arm in gym glass in the game of 'Mercury'. I truly honestly wish I was making this stuff up, but sadly I'm not. But don't you worry I'm not done. One Very important day to me she tried to ruin it with however she could like graduation, she tried to push me in front of everybody in front of the whole entire gym. This broke up our friendship for 2 years, I had no intentions of ever letting her be my friend again but here I am. She is a good friend now she apologized for everything she did, she realized it was wrong. It felt good to get my friend back, we had so much in common and when she did this it kinda left a hole in me.

    I walk up to the field where I here yelling, either Victoria and Nissy are yelling at each other or some other people. I peak my head around the silver bleachers stairs to where only why eyes can be seen by others. I see Victoria but not Nissy and Victoria isn't on the phone yelling or anything.

I walk up the bleachers calmly and sat down next to Victoria not even looking.

¨Hey.¨ She said.


¨Have you seen the soccer team.¨

¨What?¨ I looked up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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