Part 1- The Little Dino.

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He pushed me up the wall ghosting my lips with his.

¨I know what your doing. Your acting all sweet and nice to everyone, but behind that I see all the pain that your family has caused you,¨ He spit out in a outraged but yet calming voice.

¨How did-¨

¨Your eyes.¨ He leans in just a centimeter ¨Your green eyes with gold flakes in them.¨ He moves in again. ¨Their absolutely magical.¨

I hit the floor rolling off my bed from the dream I have almost every night. Gripping my black throw blanket from my body and ripping it off of me so I can stand up from my cold bedroom floor.

¨London!, breakfast is ready in 20.¨ My brothers nanny, Ruby yelled up the stairs.

I ignore her as I stand up and go to the bathroom and brush my natural wavy black hair. It cascades down my back as it now has no tangles in it, I put down my brush on my white bathroom sink while I headed back to my bedroom, going right towed my closest.

I picked out a nice navy blue hoodie with white strings coming down from the  hood, I paired it with some light washed ripped blue skinny jeans, and some classic black converse that I wear almost everyday. Right as I put all my clothes on I checked my phone, the time said 6:37am.

¨Shit.¨ I said under my breath. I quickly but carefully put on some simple natural looking mascara, grabbed my backpack and ran down the stairs.

¨Hello, love."Ruby said as I practically ran into the kitchen. ¨Why in the rush?¨

¨School.¨ I simply answered her.   

¨School doesn't stat for another 20 minutes and we live only 6 blocks away.¨

¨I want to get there a little early...Iḿ meeting with some friends.¨ I lied.

¨LOONN!!¨ My little brother Lawrence came running down the stairs wearing a dinosaur onesie she slept in the night before yelling the nickname he made up for me when he was 1 ½.

¨Hey little dude.¨ I smiled as I bend down to hug the little dinosaur, he always seems to brighten my day whether I was happy as ever or I got punched in the face that day. Lawrence also had black hair like me but takes after out mom more, he had piercing light blue eyes and puffed out cheeks. Me I take after my Dad, the Dad I have never met of course, I have green eyes with specks with gold flakes in them or as I'm told, I personally can't see them, something else my Mom says I take after my Dad is his defined cheek and jaw bones, witch is kinda good in my case.

¨Lawrence, what are you doing up your supposed to be asleep.¨ Ruby said.

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