The Heart x The Strawhat Pirates (LEMON)

Start from the beginning

He was like my best Nakama who was always telling me to be whoever I wanna be and carry on his era. Just not a stupid Marine.

Hell I wouldn't even dare to give away everything to be a marine. Especially after nearly slaughtering Ace.

I watch as the idiot of my Captain grow and make friends like its nothing which I have now grown so close too. They are not just my nakama they are my family that we created on our own. (Kinda sounds weird 😂).

I blinked away the tears as I see Nami, Robin with longer hair, usopp looking stronger and Franky who all looked to see me on my skiff and shouted back at me with happiness as I used my new devil fruit powers called lightening lightening thanks to Marco for finding it. I accidentally ate it when I was wasted.

"(Y/N)-CHAN!"They shouted with so much joy. 'Squeals' Ah I miss them so much.

I came to a stop and as soon as I jumped up over the rail and landed on the grass several arms wrap around me making me laugh. "We missed you so much"

"Are you guys trying to make me cry?"I say as they laughed. They pulled away.

"Its great to see you again"Robin said as I smiled.

"Whoa you went from cute to a freaking badass (Y/n)-san"Nami said making me smirk and look at my new look.

"Yeah looks super awesome"Franky says.

I used to wear t-shirts and jeans with boots and my hair was too long. It was getting annoying so I got the cross dresser from whitebeards to cut it to my shoulders. My new outfit (the pictures up above).

"I can say the sa-

"Yohoho! Usopp!, Franky! Robin! Nami! Oh and (Y/n)-San!"We hear a familiar voice of our musician Brook. We spun to see him jump down with a nice looking guitar as Nami, Robin and I sat on the bench around the mass. "Haah feels so good to be back"

He turned to us girls and gasped

"Oh my you girls have grown beautifully in just two years"He said sitting on a barrel playing his guitar "may I see you panties?"

"No way in hell!"Nami shouted kicking him.

"GUYS!!"We hear our always happy Captain Luffy. I looked up to see Zero, Sanji and Chopper on a yellow submarine ship. That said 'The heart Pirates'.

"Luffy!Sanji!Zoro!Chopper"I shout excited waving. Luffy smiled and jumped off and stretched himself to us and tackled me in a hug.

"(Y/n)-San Thank you for saving Ace when I couldn't"Luffy said all teary.

"It's okay besides its about time I do you a favor"I said with an eye closed smiling.

"I saw his boat is he here too?!"He asked letting go of me. I opened my eyes and shook my head.

"He let me have it as a thanks"I said

He smiled as the other three jumped on board I smiled at them and seeing Sanji with a bloody problem after seeing us, Zoro looking even stronger. Everyone smiled as they heart pirates climbed on board as well.

My heart raced seeing the Captain. Trafalgar Law

"Let's Celebrate!!!!"Luffy shouted as we cheered laughing and drink Sake or talking amongst themselves. Brook played Bink's Sake giving me memories back with Whitebeards and Red Haired pirates.

"Oh also I ate a devil fruit"I said drinking my now 5th drink of sake.

"You did?!"Everyone asked excitedly as I raised my hand creating electricity.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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