day 1.

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       -day 1;

jungkook woke up to another thirty days' husband sleeping next to him. he scanned his eyes over jimin's features,  oh how long he hasn't been gawking at Jimin's beautiful face?

How long he hasn't been thinking that jimin was indeed very, very beautiful?

jimin groaned in his sleep, eyes shutting close, jungkook remembers when jimin always acted like this,  he was having a nightmare, and he would always cuddle jimin to sleep when the older male was having bad dreams in his sleep.

he then moved closer to jimin and wrapped his arms around his waist and trapped his husband in his warm embrace, carefully comforted him by drawing soft circles on jimin's back.

"sleep well, baby boo." he then remembers how he used to love calling jimin by sweet pet names that would make the older drowning in a blushing mess.

he hugged jimin tighter as he could him exhaling warm air against his chest and making soft snores, how cute is that.

this time, jimin finally moved his body and was startled when he was trapped in jungkook's arms that he found that feeling so freaking nostalgic.

i still want you.

jimin carefully redraws himself from jungkook's and stares into his dark brown orbs that caught his attention during their first meeting six years ago.

"it's the first day, what do you wanna do today?" jungkook's smiles, corner of his eyes crinkle.

"we used to jog in the morning, shall we?" jimin pondered for awhile before blurted, to see jungkook nodded in agreement.

"yah, can you please slower down?!" jimin who was running behind jungkook pants, trying to catch up his husband.

"you never changed, always so slow in doing almost everything." jungkook stopped his tracks, turning around to see jimin finally reached him.

"but you still find me cute that way, am I right?" jimin crossed his arms in front of his chest cutely that makes jungkook want to pinch those chubby cheeks.

"yes, baby boo." the nickname was such a sweet memory to jimin, he remembers how he used to love jungkook calling him funny or sweet pet names because he knows how much jimin has adores them.

jimin knew jungkook was calling it now all because of the deal they made, it's just like a reverse; recreating those memories.

jungkook then intertwines their fingers as they walk back to their apartment, ready to make some breakfast together.

jimin made jungkook his favourite pancakes with honey, along with some freshly cut strawberries at the side of the plate.

"this is still the best pancakes in the world!" jungkook gave out a satisfying sigh as he took a bite of the pancake, earning a chuckle from jimin.

"then please enjoy it for another 30 days yeah?" jimin mocked, but still have his smile plastered on his face.

jungkook heard him and cleared his throat, swollowed the food down silently.

jimin finished washing up the utensils as he walked over to jungkook who sat by the kitchen island and wrapped his arms his husband's toned waist, "let's cuddle after breakfast?"

jungkook grins, nodding his head, "I missed that too."

at the rest of the first day, all the couple did was cuddles and watch movies together with extremely comfortable silence surrounding them.

and they knew, they could have done all these earlier.


this chapter is so weak,  sorry :'(((

30 days | Jikook ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz