Chapter 2

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next day, when I woke up, I stood in front of my closet, confused; should I wear a jean and a crop-top or a summer dress... or maybe a short and a tight shirt? I've never taken so long to dress up, I grabbed a short and a shirt, my favorites. But another obstacle stood on the way: my hair. Should I straighten it? I decided to leave it the way it is, I don't want him to notice I was changing.

I usually walk to school, but this time I couldn't, I might swept in that shirt. I decided to take the bus.

Once I arrived to school, I saw him sitting with a guitar between both hands on the doorsteps. I looked away and passed next to him to go into the hallway. I heard someone whispering "Victoria?" I went two steps backwards and looked at him, it was really him. He looked at my hair then his eyes went looking to my Converse, he looked into my eyes and said, "Hi, umm,would you like to join me?" I looked at my watch and said "the bell is going to ring in five minutes so I probably should go". He told me I still had the five minutes; I smiled and sat next to him,he started playing the guitar. But there was something… I know this song; it was U.N.I, Ed Sheeran. It's one of my favorite songs of him. He played it perfectly; he was taking his time with the notes. His hands slid softly on the tendons. Suddenly, I realized I was singing, I started breathing heavily the words "You and I, ended over UNI", then finally noticed he was singing after me…

Then, I looked at him, he stopped singing, he closed his eyes while his head was getting closer. Was he going to kiss me? I don't even know who he is. I stood up, he asked me if anything was wrong and I said I was late, and then took my bag and fled to my class.

After few hours, I went to have lunch at the school canteen. Once I stood behind others, waiting for my turn to come, I heard someone scream. Nobody moved or even looked at what was happening. Was it my imagination's voice? It sounded real though. I tried to figure where the voice came from. I found some guy hitting a junior next to one of the tables. The guy was screaming "Didn't you know it is my place? No one ever dared to sit here!!" The other kid was screaming, crying for help, he tried to apologize, but words weren't coming out of his mouth. A bunch of guys were laughing and pointing at them. It was like a show that they've all already seen before a thousand times. I couldn't, I had to stop that. I walked through the crowd, and once I stood in front of them, I crammed my hand between the boy's chest and the other's hand that was pulling him high by the shirt. Now people stared, only when someone tried to stop this bullshit, people actually looked at what was going on for minutes. I pushed the junior away, and asked the elder to leave him alone. It wasn't that easy; he said:

"Stay out of it!"

"No! Is it normal to hit people this way? He has to sit wherever he wants as long as he came first"

He screamed as if he wanted everyone to hear that:

"Whoa!  The NEW girl is trying to help little kids, against ME!!"

"Enough just leave him alone."

Students were staring at us waiting for this fight to end. There was only this one girl, who had this flame in her eyes, she looked furiously at us, and jogged toward us. She looked at him saying:

"You know what? I'm tired of seeing this every day without reacting. We are over, do you hear me? OVER!! "

She slapped him, and asked me and the kid to follow her. She took us to the nearest table to one of the windows, and told us to sit.

We started eating in silence, and we didn't say a word for a while. When the kid finished eating, he stood up and thanked us for helping him. Once he was two meters away from us, she said:

"I'm Stella. However, you can call me Stell."

"I'm Victoria. However, you can call me Vick."

We both laughed. She said:

"I've been telling Michael to stop acting like a child for so long now. He has this thing on his mind; I don't know why but annoying others is his only talent… Otherwise, he is a really sweet guy; he is just scared that being nice would weaken him again."

"Yes... I heard… umm... I'm just asking… Were you like… dat-?"

"Yes, yes we were dating, and believe it or not I feel responsible of his childish attitude. We were really in love at first. He wasn't very outstanding until we dated. He was being called "the one having a girlfriend", students used to stick papers on his back saying:"Even losers can have hot girlfriends". We all turned him into a monster. Everyone is scared to talk to him now. And as you can see this school became under his dictatorship."

She looked at her plate, sighed and pushed it away from her.

"I'm really sorry…"

"I'm sorry too…"

After another moment of silence, she decided to show me around. But the bell rang and we had to go to class. Turns out she is with me in the next course. It was physics class. She sat on the third row and asked me to come next to her, but a guy threw his bag on the table and told her: "Hey beautiful"

She raised her eye brows and said:" Come on Daniel, leave us alone, she is new around here, and I got to show her around"

She pushed his bag to the floor, and put mine on the table.

I sat in silence. He looked at me and whispered "Daniel". I said: "Victoria".

The teacher asked us to sit and said:

-I see we have a new kid around here. Please stand up, don't be shy. Now introduce yourself.

Stella stood up and said:

"She is not shy anyway."

The teacher screamed:

"Ms Anderson, You may sit, and don't forget to hold your tong a little bit more than this."

Once she sat, she squeezed her hand into her mouth, took out her tongue, and then smiled.  The whole class giggled. The teacher looked at me again:

"If you don't want to fail, I suggest you don't sit next to Stella. My name is Ms Powell; now please tell us about you."

I said:

"I'm Victoria Springfield, I come from Texas but I've always lived in New York."

I didn't say a word for a while, and then Ms Powell asked everyone to stand up say their name and sit back.

I didn't really care about everyone. John, Ryan, Amelia, Louis, and a lot of other names.

Only one name rang in my ears, Luke, Luke Gonzalez… 

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