Chapter 29: Sword-Arm

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I felt the power surge as Death released his Nether Void. I knew in that instant that the enormous release signified one thing and one thing alone: Death wasn’t holding back. I clenched my fist, realizing the slim chances we had. I decided that I wasn’t going to hold back either.

I flew back into the fray, soaring into the sky, once again at the mercy of powerful headwinds that whipped all around the windy city. I saw my father and Rina waiting just above the Willis Tower, looking down at us from below. They were most certainly alerted to the fact that we were back the moment Death released his Nether Void.

I know you want us to engage you, but I’m not going to play your game.

I stopped halfway up the Willis Tower, paused for a moment, just long enough to make Rina and my father aware of my intentions. I smiled at both of them, before dashing off into a different direction, heading toward the Chicago River, moving rapidly back in the direction of  the Hunter Robotics building.

First things first.

I needed to know that the residents of the building were safe. 

As I approached the Hunter Robotics building with it’s gleaming logo, a tiny nanobug being held by a hand. It was a logo that I had helped design myself. The machines were meant to help mankind not subjugate it. I was reminded of how far my father had strayed in his mission. I promised myself then and there that I would not fail. I was going to put a stop to him. 

It was then when I noticed it. Something had gone terribly wrong.

The building was intact yes, and Death’s field had managed to protect the residents. 

But the people in the building were moving.

My God, the residents are conscious. 

I saw them staring with horror at the sky, their mouths agape, pointing toward Death and I. I quickly looked back and saw my father and Rina in hot pursuit. I sense that Death’s power was rapidly waning. There wasn’t much time left.

“Stak Tarnis Dis Varten Nostros,” I said, unleashing a massive power surge within myself. I focused the energy, willing it to a single place, forming a mental image of what I wanted to create. I kept seeing the same thing over and over again, in my mind’s eye. 

That’s it Vanessa, just like Mother showed you. Focus the energy into a weapon, a weapon that will smite your enemies.

When the words were over, I held a powerful sword of light in my hand.

“Very impressive, daughter of mine,” said Donovan over the whipping winds. He had closed the gap between him and myself in a matter of minutes.

I stared at him defiantly without uttering a word.

“I see you’ve finally decided to use some of the very powers I’ve so longed to see,” he laughed, his mirth echoing throughout the skies. 

Donovan attacked without warning, his massive frame going in for the kill. I moved swiftly to guard against the assault. I felt intense pressure as the giant broadsword connected with my sword of light. I breathed a sigh of relief, realizing I had parried the massive nano-machine-created broadsword. I saw a brief break as the nanomachines scattered about as they made contact with my light sword.

“What’s the matter Dad?” I asked with a smile. “It looks like your little toys are afraid of the Van Dyke magic.”

Donovan moved again, this time attempting to catch me off-guard by flanking me, but he found himself cut in half by the massive scythe that Death wielded. My father reassembled quickly, the nanomachines, quickly repairing the damage from the scythe. Donovan swung the nano-sword once more, clashing with the scythe with a loud clang, two powerful and opposing forces meeting each other at the same time, each one determined and unyielding.

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