Complications Part 3

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Rydel's P.O.V:

Man I hate Rocky! How did he know I like Ratliff! He hurt my feelings. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard knocking on my door. "Hey Rydel,its me Ratliff." he said. "Come in Ell." I told him as he entered. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked sitting on the bed. "No I'm not okay, Rocky embarrassed me in front of my friends and family." I said while sobbing. "Is it true?" he questioned. "What?" I asked. "That you only choose Riker because you have a crush on me?" he said. "Only half of that is true." I said looking down at the floor. "Which half is it?" he said grabbing my face gently making me look him in the eyes. "The part about you and me." I said. "Good." he said and pulled me into a kiss. "Rydel Mary Lynch, will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?" he said smiling like a goof. "Yes I would love to, Ellington Lee Ratliff!" I said as he pulled me into a kiss.


Rocky's P.O.V:

I was surprised Riker threw me to the ground and started punching me. Also I can't believe I said those mean things about Talia, Rydel, Unstoppable, and about my own girlfriend! As Riker was punching me he was saying words which I made out to him saying "Don't ever hurt or touch my baby sister again!" which kinda scared me because I always thought that he was someone who never would use violence. "Riker, get off of him!" mom yelled while getting him off of me. "How come you guys didn't get Riker off of Rocky!" dad said. "Cause we don't help jerks who insult their older and respectful sister, who always has been loyal to them!" Ryland yelled. "Or to jerks who insult their brother's girlfriend in front of them!" Ross yelled. "Also to jerks who insult their girlfriend's band and his girlfriend in front of their faces!" Vanessa yelled in tears. "I didn't mean it that way, I want R5's reputation to stay perfect and I don't want to be known as the guy who has a older brother who is 22 and got his 17 year old girlfriend pregnant, and-" I said but then I was cut off. "Enough Rocky, at first when I met you you seemed sweet, nice, caring, and funny, but now that I have seen your true nature, it don't feel safe being around you." said told me while crying into Austin's arms. "You made a promise to not break her heart to us and you broke it so......" Austin said as he launched forward to beat me up like Riker did. But thank god that Vanessa told him to stop and he listened. "I'll handle this Austin." she said while coming up to me. "Thank you!" I said with relief. Whack! My cheek started to hurt and I just realized she just slapped me as Rydel and Ratliff came down the stairs together. "Hey Rocky, you look pretty, pretty ugly!" Rydel said. "Woah, did someone hit Rocky with the ugly stick?!" said Ratliff while everyone on Riker's laughed at their jokes. I saw Vanessa whisper something to Riker and then they passed it on to the last person who choose Riker,including Rydel and Ratliff. "Rocky, I hope that this will teach you a lesson to make sure that choose your words wisely, WE'RE THOUGH ROCKY MARK LYNCH!" she said with the last 5 words being yelled. There I stood, with a busted up lip, black and blue eye and a bloody nose, as they all walked out the door together with us not knowing where they were heading, three with tears in their eyes, my best friend, my sister, three of my brothers angry,my brother's girlfriends and my girl- I mean my ex-girlfriend's band leaving angry and her leaving me heart broken.


Wow! Rocky is a total jerk right now!

Him and Vanessa broke up! Where is everyone headed? Rydel and Ratliff are so funny! Thanks for reading the story this far!

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