Dazai (God of Death and Suicide.)

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You joined the Armed Detective Agency a few days ago after being saved by a Detective agent named "Doppo Kunikida" he seemed nice but a little strict when it came to rules and such, but that is suspected to be from an Agent correct?

You decided to join the Armed Detective agency after being saved by this mysterious man Kunikida, that was when you met everybody and got to know them a little bit after the tests they put you under. That was then when you met the man you desired the most but was missing this entire time! 

His name was Osamu Dazai.

He seemed really Nice to you, so instantly you fell in love with this maniac! After you asked him what was he into and he replied Suicide.

And that was when you dubbed him The God of Death!

You began questioning if this suicidal maniac but also found out he likes reading! About suicide too... Which put you off a little more but then you did realize he was also into Literature or something like that, you can't really remember but you began talking about this interest you both shared and you both hit it off as he grabbed you by the hand and begged you to come along with him to the town for some shopping and some lunch after as well too?

You both began trodding along the town both giving eachother little looks at one another basically saying hi and hello telepathically to give each other little winks for flirting at one another as in saying "Would you like to this, or that?" It was very enjoyable to you. You loving the time this weird goof was spending with you! Until.

Later that evening Dazai invited you to come to a park with him as he said he used to visit this familiar area and loved it as a kid and thought you might like it too as it was a fun place to be no matter what age you were as he exclaimed politely to you in slow word play.

You didn't know how to say Yes or even No for that reason so you just said yes going as a last option of resort for this nice guy you were spending time with. You both eventually went to this said park and were greeted by a swing set with no swings.

But rather...

Nooses, just two nooses hanging from the top of the set.

You gulped thinking this was a setup or just some sick joke and started laughing to Dazai and giving him a little nudge with your fist and exclaiming a few kind words to him thinking it was all elaborate.

(It wasn't.)

You looked back up at Dazai and was surprised with him and his smirk completely removed from his face and he was so serious with a glare it made your blood run cold and you shiver. When he whispered into your ear.

Would you commit suicide with me My Beauty?

You began thinking this was the end or something but as you were going to take one last breath before you walked to the noose, you heard voices. It was the voices of the Kunikida man from before and another recruit like you named Nakajima Atsushi. They were shouting at Dazai-Kun and were saying stuff like "Why are scaring the new recruit you Suicidal Twat!?" (Mostly it was Kunikida remarking these statements hehe.) nest you were just standing there shocked and began staring at Dazai again in a shocked look of terror thinking of shouting a loud profanity of sort, but you then hesitated as it wasn't worth it. This mans face was to precious to bash in.

Next the two men pulled you along with them back to their car along with Dazai, with Atsushi trying to reassure you about any thoughts and that this was Dazai just expressing himself thinking that you were trying your best to stay as pure as possible during this kind of situation,

While Kunikida was flipping his shit in the front seat of the van you were in screaming at Dazai with profanities, Criticism, Remarks about hell and him not going to the afterlife, How Dazai's family would rather him just disowned and not actually dead. 

Yeah that night sleep of the remembrance of all the remarked comments from your car ride back to the agency's headquarters in your tiny apartment near it.

The next day Dazai came to your door to apologize for his actions and heave you a small Rose and a simple sorry,you leaned in and gave the Suicidal Bastard a Kiss upon his cheek which he reacted to with a blush and then showing you his wrists which had been cut in the shape of a flower using the roses thorns which you replied with

"Godammit! What is wrong with you seriously, your beyond strange and disgusting. But your still beautiful none the less Osamu Dazai!

Which you responded with a kiss upon his lips and a hug which he pushed in with ease and happiness that you loved him, he was happy. Finally, you were the reason Dazai, to you was your God of Death!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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