I Created A Group Chat

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Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Hey everyone! I created a group chat.

A.Lightwood: We can tell.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Oh shut up.

StarsWars4Life: That's actually a pretty good idea! Wish I had thought of that.

StarsWars4Life: Who's in it?

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Me, you, grumpy Alec here, Magnus, Jace, Izzy, Maia and Raphael. Basically the whole gang.

A.Lightwood: Please don't ever refer to us as a gang again.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Would you prefer squad?

A.Lightwood: I just threw up a little in my mouth.

StarsWars4Life: Loosen up, bro.

A.Lightwood: That's it I'm leaving.

NaturallyBlond: What's up with Alec?

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Hey Jace!

StarsWars4Life: Hey Jace.

NaturallyBlond: Hey, Clary. I'm ignoring you, Simon.

StarsWars4Life: What did I ever do to you?

NaturallyBlond: A lot of things.

BadassInStilettos: Did Jace actually just say that?

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Yes, yes he did.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Also, hi Iz.

BadassInStilettos: Hey Clary.

NaturallyBlond: What? What'd I say?

StarsWars4Life: Yeah, what did he say?

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Nothing.

BadassInStilettos: Nothing.

NaturallyBlond: Clearly not. What did I say?

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Don't worry about it, Jace.

BadassInStilettos: Don't worry about it, Jace.

StarsWars4Life: The fact that you two sent that at the same time is what's creeping me out right now.

BadassInStilettos: I can't believe we're dating these two.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: I know right?

StarsWars4Life: Come on, guys. What did he say?

NaturallyBlond: Shut up, mundane.

StarsWars4Life: Dude! I'm helping you!

StarsWars4Life: And for the record, I'm a vampire.

NaturallyBlond: For the record, I don't care. To me, you're always going to be a weak little mundane.

StarsWars4Life: Bet I could take you.

NaturallyBlond: Bring it on. Meet you outside?

StarsWars4Life: Beat you to it.

WolfGirl: What's going on here?

BadassInStilettos: Hi, Maia.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Hey, Maia!

WolfGirl: Hey Isabelle.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Don't I get a hi?

WolfGirl: No.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Why do you hate me so much?

WolfGirl: Where do I start?

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: ....

BadassInStilettos: Now I get why Alec and Maia get along so well.

BadassInStilettos: But to answer your question, Jace and Simon are fighting.

BadassInStilettos: Again.

WolfGirl: So...nothing unusual?

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Yeah.

BadassInStilettos: Yeah.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Hey, you guys wanna meet up? I'm bored.

BadassInStilettos: Sure.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Maia?

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Hello?

BadassInStilettos: Hey Maia, you in?

WolfGirl: I think I'll pass, Iz.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Is she seriously not replying to my messages now?

A.Lightwood: Yup.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Oh, so now you show up.

A.Lightwood: Wherever there are people hating on carrot, I'm there.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Alec I'm not a carrot.

WolfGirl: Yes, yes you are.

A.Lightwood: Thank you, Maia.

WolfGirl: My pleasure :)

Hey, my first attempt at writing something like this. Is it any good? I mean, is it funny and stuff?

I'd really appreciate some feedback. And you know, some votes and comments maybe?

I'll be back with more soon!


Shadowhunters Group Chats Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora