Twins of evil (II)

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"Please, Your Highness, we don't have enough livestock or money to survive! My... my parents... they starved to death... and... please, Your Highness, I beg you! He had no choice!"

Listening to the young maiden plead on behalf of her husband, Allen couldn't help but wince.

It had been only three months after Riliane had been crowned Queen, yet the peasants were already rebelling against her.

Reason? Riliane had deprived them of money by heavy taxes so she could import products from other countries to her heart's content. Worse yet, she refused to listen to anyone, and anyone who dared say anything, aside from Allen himself, was sent to the guillotine almost at once. The peace and prosperity that their parents had left behind was utterly destroyed.

Watching this, Allen felt incredibly guilty. He hadn't been able to make Riliane listen to his advice. He was the only one who knew the full story- this wasn't Riliane. This was the work of the spirit of Pride. Allen could never forget that, that's why he couldn't raise his voice against Riliane.

That, and the fact he was her butler, not her elder.

Still, if he had been quicker that day, if he hadn't left Riliane alone in her bedroom, if he had the courage to bring the old Riliane back, then perhaps...

No. There were too many 'what if's to think about. Too many things he could have done to stop this.

He wasn't about to list them all.

"Allen! Are you listening?!"

Allen was snapped out of his train of thought by Riliane's sharp and scolding tone. He glanced at her.

The queen was glaring at him. Meanwhile, the poor maiden was still kneeling on the ground, looking up at Riliane, her brown eyes filled with tears and heartbreak.

"Um..." Allen stammered, "what was the question?"

Riliane rolled her eyes and gave Allen a hard smack on the back of his head with her fan. "I asked you if you think this woman's husband should be executed or not!"

Allen gulped.

If he was to be completely honest, he would have told her 'no', but what good would that do? He knew from experience that she wasn't going to listen. If anything, he would probably be adding fuel to the fire.

"Um... how about a compromise?"

"I'm listening. Go on." Riliane tilted her head in interest. 

Allen shot a glance at the maiden and looked back at Riliane. "Suppose we bring the maiden's husband here and try to talk it out?" he said cautiously.

The maiden's head jerked up hopefully, and Riliane thoughtfully. "I don't see why not. It'll be fun. Guards, bring in the good sir!"

It was a while before a man, thin and ragged from the trials of prison, was dumped in front of the throne.

Allen closed his eyes briefly as he heard the maiden yell, "Eustace!"

He knew very well the man wasn't leaving the palace grounds alive.

"Germaine?! What are you doing here?!" the man exclaimed.

Riliane coughed lightly. "Sir Eustace Avadonia, you have been given a chance at redemption. Do you apologize for your actions of attempted assassination of me, your Queen? If so, you will be free to go."

Allen hoped that for Eustace and Germaine's sake, Eustace would just apologize so they could leave, but no such luck.

Eustace spat on Riliane and said, "I'd rather die than apologize to the likes of you!"

"Then you will die!! Guards, send this man back to his prison and make sure he stays there!"

"No, please! Your Highness, I beg you to reconsider!" Germaine yelled as her husband struggled against the guards holding him.

Riliane wasn't listening. She pointed at Germaine. "Get this woman out if my sight! NOW!!"

As Germaine was dragged away, her pleas were drowned out by the loud bell that signaled it was three o'clock.

Riliane's frightening rage disappeared immediately and she clasped her hands together. "Oh, it's tea time! Come on, Allen!"

"Your Highness, there are still-"

"They can wait. No one gets in the way of tea time!"

Allen bowed his head and followed her. This happened almost every day, and Allen's heart grew heavier every time he witnessed it.


A few days, not even a week had passed since the incident. They were now gathered by the guillotine, where Eustace stood proudly with his head raised.

Allen scanned the crowd and sure enough, Germaine was there, watching anxiously.

Hoping against hope that something would save her husband.

Riliane either didn't see her, or wasn't at all bothered. "Oh executioners!" she called. "Do your thing!"

Allen shut his eyes as he heard the blade swing down and...


Germaine's terrible scream pierced the air. Allen opened his eyes to see that the deed had been done. Eustace was gone.

He sent Germaine a pitying glance, but received a glare filled with hatred and grief instead.

Riliane was oblivious to the two's silent exchange. She grinned at Allen. "Want to go riding with me?"

Allen nodded. He saw the crowd scatter, and as his eyes met Germaine's once more, he realized the seeds of a true revolution had been sowed in the maiden's heart.

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