Safety and Bored

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 "It was said that the first imprisoned Kin was left in their cage for hundreds of years. Trapped railing against the walls of their cage, something that would normally be too weak to withstand their blows. The lamp held as a Holy relic, proof of the power of a great saint. It wasn't until the lamp was stolen did the humans truly understand the power they held in their hands. Yet with the Kin no longer being able to use the power of the Outer Realms, the only magic they had left was of themselves. With each wish shaving time off the lives of the once immortal Djinn. Crafty as they were the Djinn learned ways around their imprisonment, yet they could never figure out the keys to their freedom."

Jamil awoke in a haze of smoke. Confused and startled he shot out of bed ready to attack, it was not until his heart stopped racing did his mind clear and in that moment of clarity, he saw her. Sitting on the island that separated the kitchen from the living space, smoke swirling around her, and lit joint dangling from her lips as she flipped the pages of a large book. She had must have been up for a while the ashtray filled with the butts of many cigarettes and joints, and her hair plaited in two braids. Jamil lowered himself back to the bed he cannot believe he did it, just looking at her eased the panic in his heart. It was not easy to find her and he could tell it would not be easy to deal with her, but he did the impossible. He found and caught a Djinn. They sat around in silence for several moments, the only movement in the room when she turned the page or flicked ash off her joint. Jamil could not handle the tension any longer. "Hi, you can call me Master Jamil." He said with a grin. The Djinn did not even look up, and Jamil's face heated as his joke fell flat. "I am kidding obviously. My name is Jamil, but my friends call me Jay. You can call me Jay." There was a long pause as his words fell flat again and, the Djinn merely turned a page. "Okay... then...." Jamil rose pulling himself to his full height, back rod straight and cleared his throat. "I command you to tell me your name." He tried to throw his voice into the command but even to his ears, it sounded weak.

Even so, her head rose, Jamil could see her eyes across the room cutting through the smoke. Her eyes were gold, not like cats but the metal; molten gold the kind that Goldsmith would sweat over. They drew him closer, it was like his feet had a mind of their own. As he got closer he could see that her iris and the whites of her eyes did not meet seamlessly but the gold was enclosed with a fine ring of black. "Is that a wish?" the question left her lips with subtle disdain. It was the prying eyes that got Jamil to stop and shake his head as if to try to rid his mind of smoke. "Then what do you want..." Her voice trailing off, her attention for the first time focused solely on him. The attention was unnerving, Jamil could feel himself sweating under her unfaltering gaze; it was that reason he could feel the shift of her attention. Like for the first time she was really seeing him. Her hand snatch his face tilting it back and forth in the light, while Jamil knew the Jin could not hurt him it didn't stop his heart from hammering a thousand beats per minute. "Albudhur." Arabic snarled from her lips as she let go in disgust.

Jamil paused it had been awhile since he had spoken Arabic and it did not come as easily as it should have, it roughly translated into the blemished seed. "How did you know?" He refused to look away even though the Jinn in front of him had clearly dismissed him.

"Barunz..." she began replying in Arabic once more to Jamil's frustrating. The words wash over him not picking up each word at the speed she spoke. It was only when she paused looking at him expectedly did she realized the problem. "Bronze, were you dropped on your head?" Jamil grimaced he didn't expect cooperative behaviour but he could see this getting annoying really quick. "You are a..." she looked like she was looking for the right words to say, but Jamil had a feeling she already knew them. "Blight, one with obvious signs of sickness."

Jamil clenched his teeth and stared at the being who for no better term was under his control, his to command and he felt no more in control than he did any other part of his life. "Tell me how you know and we can get all this wish granting out of the way and we can never see each other again."

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