Chapter 2 - Pan

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Melody was frantically running through the seemingly newly made path in the jungle. She had no idea where she was, all she knew was that this was a dream, and someone was here with her. To make matters more intriguing, she swore she could hear a boy's laughter echoing through the green trees. After a few minutes of running, Melody finally stopped in her tracks and sat down on a fallen moss covered log. "Alright!" She shouted to the expanse of jungle around her, "You win. Now who exactly are you?" As she swallowed the lump of fear in her throat, she heard a chuckle in the trees behind her and she jumped up and turned on a dime; but no one was there. "You realize you don't have to yell." A soft English voice came from behind her and she turned around again, slowly this time. On a stump in front of Melody sat a young boy, about the same age as her, legs crossed as his lanky figure rested upon what was left of the fallen tree stump.His blonde hair shone in the sunlight that made it through the canopy of jungle trees, as he smirked. "It gives me a headache." He continued. "W-what?" Melody asked, taken aback. "The shouting," he said, with a bored expression. "It gives me a headache." "Oh.. Right, sorry." She stuttered quietly. The boy laughed as he jumped up, "Well you don't have to whisper either. The name's Peter, Peter Pan."

"Peter Pan? Like from the story?" Melody laughed nervously as he advanced toward her slowly. "Of course, you can call me Pan. Everyone else who visits Neverland does." He finished as he stopped in front of her. His sparkling green eyes captivating hers.

"Wait a minute, this is a story. Peter Pan? Neverland? You're all a fairy tale. What kind of dream is this?"

"Well you see..." He started, then looked at her expectingly.

"Melody." She said, realizing she hadn't given her name yet.

"Melody." He smiled approvingly and continued. "Neverland isn't just a story, it's a place certain people visit in their dreams."

"What kind of certain people?"

"Well, people who feel lost, lonely, and need a little adventure thrown into their lives. I have to admit, you are the first girl I've had visit Neverland for some time." Pan said with a smirk.

"Something against girls?" Melody argued, not liking the way this boy was playing her.

Pan laughed and started walking away, throwing her off. "Aren't you coming?" He said with a grin.

Melody sighed and started after him. This is going to be a weird dream.

After a few minutes, Melody summoned enough courage to ask some questions. "So this place is real? This Neverland? I've never heard of it where I'm from." "That's because it's hidden." He answered, annoyed with the questions already. "It's a place where only young people are allowed, to roam and be free to do whatever they please. Some even like the place enough to stay." "People live here? For how long? Who are they?" She asked, intrigued. "Well like I said, you're the first girl. So all of my Lost boys are.. Well.. Boys." He chuckled. "Lost boys? Is that what you call them? It sounds kind of... Sad." Pan suddenly took a sharp turn and picked up the pace a bit. "Come on," he said, over his shoulder. "We're almost there." As Melody struggled to keep up, she thought about the sad note she thought she suddenly heard in his voice.

"We're here!" Grinned Pan, as he stopped in front of a cliff. Melody walked up behind him and gasped in astonishment as she stared at the beauty of Neverland. "It's amazing.." She whispered. They were on a tall cliff, one that told the story of the entire island. A blue waterfall fell beside them and the sparkling mist welcomed Melody like she belonged. The green canopy below them stretched across the island until it came to a shining white beach. The beach opposite of the side of the island where Melody woke up. The water that stretched around the sand was the bluest thing Melody had ever seen, as it moved and lapped gently upon the beach. When Melody finally tore her eyes from the wonderful sight, she looked over to see Pan staring at her with a smirk and she suddenly grew self-conscious and blushed. "S-so you live here?" She managed. As he sat down and swung his feet over the edge of the cliff, he gave a content sigh. "Yep, I keep watch over my Lost Boys, and the island; and sometimes I have visitors like you coming here in their dreams." "So you don't get lonely here?" Melody questioned, as she joined Pan and sat at the edge of the cliff. He paused and looked at Melody, "I have everything I need." He said quickly, almost convincingly. They sat in silence, watching the mist from the waterfall fly down to the depths of the island.

As the sun started to set against the now reddish-purple ocean, Pan told her that as soon as the sun set she would arrive back home. Melody felt a sting and held back tears when she realized that she would have to go back, and just whispered, "Oh." Pan gave her an odd sideways glance but kept silent. After a few minutes, he whispered, "do you want to remember?" "Pardon?" Asked Melody. "Do you want to remember Neverland? Your adventure here? Me? I can let you remember, or I can make you forget. It's your choice." Melody thought for a minute. "Can I come back?" She asked suddenly. "If I can't come back, I don't want to remember." Pan grinned as the sun shed it's final light. "As you wish." He whispered. And everything went black.

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