Dancing in the rain

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I lean out over the gate my hand touching just the fingertips really in the rain here under the ledger to save and dry.
Out there it is raining and then here I am dry, I am the righteous girl. I push open the gate let it swing and run out in the rain. I let the raindrops hit pita pata  on every part of me my white top dotted with rain my long skirt swaying around my ankles as I, run, and spin, and jump. I stop looking up at the sky and say "I declare it rain in my father's name, I declare it rain in my father's name, I declare it rain!"

The rain increases. I stretch my arms out wide I throw my head back and let the fall on my face, my neck, my palms. I spin around, and around, with laughter is the rain increases getting heavier and, and heavier.

" Let It Rain to the world as new wash away the dead and sad of autumn Let It Be a bright and colourful season" I chant to the sky "let my soul be cleansed and let me no longer know the drain of this world, but to be like a child innocent and fresh" I ask only this for myself "let rain till the world has changed. Let every face that is old and grey be renewed with the innocents of child as it was the day they were born."

" Let It be that when the sky clears the sun shines on a new face, one of a new generation new and clean like the day they were born from their mother. And let it be they all be raised my father's name. For I am but a child and I have declared that it rain and the world change so notice! That I, but a child have declared and it has happened because I was raised in my father's name and that above all hold power my father's name.... my father's name.... My Father's Name....."

I opened up the gate as the rain begins to slow. Walking back to my humble home for I may be the righteous girl I do not need for a lot so I live in simplicity. I walk up the garden path and let out the animals. wherever they run they will take my heart for they run wild and so does my soul. I walk back into the house elated and moved, sit down the couch begin to write.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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