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I drive down the wide city streets, squinting at each brick building as I pass. I slow to a stop outside of the building that fits the vague description I was given. According to my GPS, this is it. I park directly out front, squeezing between two cars. As soon as I exit the vehicle, I'm nearly pelted with a basketball. A couple of kids shout apologies as they chase after the rolling ball. I lock my car and silently pray I don't come back to a busted window.

Feeling oddly nervous, I walk up the steps to the double doors leading into the building. Both doors are opened, letting in the cool air blowing about outside. I nervously enter and open up my text thread with Maya. She sent a small paragraph after I told her I was on the way.

Maya: Don't bother knocking; just come in. We never lock the door. If my roommate sees you first, say you're here for me. 5th floor, apartment 517.

I look around for the elevator and see it tucked away in the corner. Apprehensively, I approach it, press the button, and stare up at the dingy light to see which floor it's at. Slowly but surely it reaches me and a low beep announces its presence. The doors gradually open and reveal a tacky red carpet and wooden walls. I get in, press the worn button, and take the snails paced trip upstairs. I'm convinced it'd have been quicker to take the steps. 

I exit the elevator once it reaches the fifth floor and search for a door labeled 517. A sigh of relief escapes my lips when I find it. My hand hesitates as I reach for the doorknob. She said to let myself in but it feels a little weird. I've only ever talked to this girl twice and though she seems cool, are we close enough for me to even be at her apartment, never mind letting myself in?

Not to mention, this could all be some intricate trap to adult-nap me. Realistically, I really should have better judgment skills when it comes to situations like this. But she's barely 5'0"- how much danger could she really be? Either way, I know her name and address so who's really the person in power here? You're the one going into her apartment alone. I sigh, turn the knob, and let myself in. What have I got to lose? Other than, you know, my life?

I'm greeted with a much neater, less tawdry hallway. It has actual hardwood and there is a stand next to the door decorated with umbrellas and a keybowl. I walk a little further into the apartment, feeling extremely intrusive. I hear shuffling a little further down the hall and I walk to the end, which leads me to the living room. Rather than finding Maya like I expected, I am greeted by the back of a lean, bronzed guy wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. Did I enter the wrong apartment? No, this is definitely 517; I stared at the door for two minutes contemplating whether or not I should enter. Did she make a typo in the message?

Before I can silently backtrack and exit the apartment, the shirtless guy turns around and quirks a thick, kempt eyebrow. I quickly let my eyes trail over him for a second, admiring his physique. He's toned with tattoos covering his left arm, leading up to an intricately lined piece of artwork that travels halfway across his chest. I let my eyes wander over the dark ink admirably. I shake out of the slight stupor and meet his gaze, which is laced with pure confusion.

"Who the hell are you?" he asks in a voice deeper than I expected.

"I-Ivy," I say quickly, incapable of giving a better answer. I expected to come here and find Maya, not some random but attractive guy. At least I'll have an interesting story to tell her when I find the right apartment. Hey, I totally walked in on your half naked neighbor; he's hot, by the way.

He assesses me and I suddenly feel self conscious. I definitely didn't dress up for this study session. I literally got back to my dorm, put on sweatpants and a t-shirt, and read for three hours before heading here. I put no effort into my outfit, nor did I bother doing my hair or makeup. I just tied my frizzy brown hair into the usual braid and set out the door. He must think I'm some random bum that wandered in and started checking him out.

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