Chapter 2, October 26th - 6:45 AM

Start from the beginning

"Where did your friend go?" You ask. "Oh, Joaquin had somewhere to be. So what do you think about Héctor?" Maria asks quickly with a smile similar to Manolos earlier. You blush, leaning on the counter. "Oh what does it matter, there's no way he'd feel the same..." Marias smile spreads, and she slaps your arm. "Aye!" You shout rubbing your arm, Héctor looks up from his spot next to Manolo on the stage. He uses his fingers to point at his eyes, then at Maria. She lifts her hands in defence much like Manolo did as well. You laugh lightly. "Its like you and Manolo were made for one another." She scoffs. "No woman was made for any man, and vise versa. But it could have a bit to do with fate. Honestly, how are you and Héctor not like, a thing yet?" she rambles. You rub your heated cheek with the back of one hand. "We only just met..."you say. She shrugs, "True love doesn't have a thing to do with time," she says bluntly. You make a sad face. "About Héctor, is he-" "Seeing anyone??" she cuts off, "Nope. totally available and completely into you. you need to go for it chica!" You shush her as her volume raises, you lean on the counter more, trying to cover your head and sighing over her words loudly. "Nooo, Maria you mean well I'm sure but I'm not good at this sort of thing..." you groan. She smiles, "Then go do what you are good at, go dance!" You laugh, "I think I will actually."

Héctor and Manolo are singing a solid spanish version of Despacito, and it's hilarious. The song is somewhat of a joke to everyone, but Héctors voice makes your heart do all sorts of flips and flops. You take your spot on the stage, dancing along. When the song ends, you take a moment to compose yourself before the next one. You hear a guitar playing behind you, but it sounds different than before. You turn around and are met by Héctor who takes your hands and begins to move to the music with you. You smile and laugh. "Hola, Héctor." "Hola, Rosalíne~" he grins, and you peek around him to see Manolo playing his guitarra. Interesting how you could tell the difference, you thought. Your thoughts are quickly disrupted when Héctor spins you, causing you laugh again. "And you called me the full package." You half joke. He raises an eyebrow at you, "Care to elaborate chica?" You blush, looking away. "Well, where to start. Héctor you... you've gotta be the kindest man I've ever met. Not to mention funny. Dios mío, and your laugh," you smile at the thought, and then his laugh fills your ears. Your eyes flash to his, and he's absolutely blushing, looking away as he spins you again. You can't tell if you should stop or if your making him uncomfortable, but then he says "and what else makes me a total package," grinning at you. "Hmm. Well, you sing, play the guitara, and even dance now? A successful business owner, and you make a fairly decent drink at that bar of yours." His laugh fills the room, your dance continues and so do you, now rambling. "And your muy guapo, truly a handsome man," you tease slightly. His eyebrows raise even more, grin big, cheeks red. "I-if i'm being completely honest," you say softly, your face fuming. "I mean.." You finish. He dips you as the song ends, keeping your from saying more, then slowly pulls you up. "Gracias señora~" he whispers, an inch from your face. He's so close.... He's looking at you, his eyes lidded. Your lips part, his words finally reaching your ears. "Rosa-" you're about to correct teasingly, but his lips cut you off. You think your heart stops, but it most likely was beating at a frequency so fast it couldn't be felt. Your wide eyes fall shut, arms wrapping around him. You can feel his surprise. He probably wasn't expecting you to kiss back, but how could you not? This kiss, the warmth, the feeling and meaning behind it, it's as if you've been waiting your whole life for it. There's suddenly whooping and hollering all around, so you decide to hide your face in Héctor's chest, a massive smile on your face. He laughs and calms the crowds. The feeling of him laughing makes you melt, and he smells good, and he's so warm. He looks down at you, and his expression matches yours. It's love.

A few hours later, Héctor is helping your drunk ass up the stairs. The two of you are giggling about something Manolo had said before leaving with Maria. As he guides you to your room, you stop an poke into one of the rooms. "Ooh~ What's in here?" you slur. He chuckles, "That would be my room." You giggle and push your way in, him following, arms crossed. You flop onto his bed, pulling a blanket around you and inhaling. He laughs, watching you. "Having fun there, niña?" "Rosaaaa Rosa Rosaa," you whine, pushing the blanket away, hiccuping. He chuckles and slowly closes the space between the two of you. Héctor leans over you. propped on his hands, his hair falling forward. You reach up and brush it behind his ears, fingertips tracing his jaw. He smiles so sweetly at you, "C'mon, lets get you back to your room princesa Rosa." You groan in defiance, and then get an idea, "What if *hic* Miguel comes?" you ask. He laughs, "Miguel better not show up this late at night." "But what if he does!" You demand. He leans down, his lips pressing to your exposed shoulder and muffling his laugh. Your hands slide down his arms, "You know," you sigh, "I fell in love with you the moment I saw you." You say drunkenly. "Lo juro." You slur. He pulls back, so close to you. "Oh really?" He asks with a grin and a raised eyebrow. "Ah heh, nooo." You say, and he turns his head to laugh loudly, rubbing his face. "Listen listen," you say, "I thought you were thinking what *hic* all men think when they see me, that you only wan*hic*ted to go to bed with me." He makes a sad face hearing that, then smiles as an idea pops into his head, "That would never happen. A guy like me? With a beaut like you?" he jokes as he lays down next to you. You giggle, "You're the *hic* sweetest man I've ever met, so *hic* sweet you give me cavities." He gets on his forearm, and leans over you, brushing hair from your face. "Let me see ," he whispers. His lips press to yours, and your mouth parts slightly. He doesn't hesitate to slip his tongue along your bottom lip, his other hand falling on your hip, half sliding under you. You inhale, his sent filling your lungs as you kiss. He mumbles on your mouth "your right, Hiccups," he calls you, and you giggle. He continues, "Your mouth must be full of sugar because it too tastes so, so sweet." "It's your fault..." You mumble back, and wrap your arms around his neck. He slides over you, fully above you once again. Now his legs are on either side of you as he kisses you more fully. Eventually, after much smooching, he slips back with a lidded smile.. "That's... mm, probably enough for one night." He says softly, clearly not wanting to stop. You whine again, tugging on him gently, his laugh fills your ears, "Sober Rosa would be thanking me, I'd think, for keeping an eye on drunk Rosa." He gives you a quick peck before moving away. You pout, and sit up. "I wish I never drank tonight then..." You cross your arms. "An why's that?" He asks, laying on the bed lengthwise in front of you, arms behind his head with his eyes closed. "So we could keep kissing..." You say tiredly. He opens one eye, smiling. He holds an arm out, and you slip into it, laying on his chest. Hector then grabs the blanket and pulls it over the two of you. Finally, he presses his lips to your forehead, leaving them there as you both fall asleep.


Whooooooo boy. So hi. (○.○) Are you enjoying my cringe so far? Is it sappy enough? Because it get's better, or maybe worse is the right wording... Hmmm.... Whelp, more to come, less to say, enjoy, gonna update a tad more regularly soon. -Lane

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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