And may I once again remind you that was a risk Atlas was not willing to take.

They pulled up in front of the house she shared with Jessie, or at least, what appeared to be their house underneath all the trash. It was quite the scene nonetheless, something straight out of a damn movie. Cups, streamers, people strewn across the front yard. There was even one rando naked on the roof, head hanging off the side. That isn't safe. (A/N - *cough cough* Brendon Urie *cough cough*) The entire area had the strong stench of sweat, alcohol, and a whole bunch of sex. Atlas scrunched her nose, her face contorting into one of disgust as the aroma hit her. This wasn't an odd occurrence, quite the contrary actually. This had been what she woke up to every other Saturday morning since she moved in with Jessie. Doesn't mean it gets any less disgusting though.

Atlas was first to get out of the car, eager to get the closure over with. If it was gonna happen, it might as well happen as quickly as possible.

Lucas found himself disappointed when he got out of the car, immediately noticing how stiff she was. She was looking down at the ground, not once daring to raise her head and meet his eyes. She knew everything would come crumbling down if she did. This needed to be a one time thing and she knew it. This had to be, because risking the slight possibility that what she's feeling towards him is more than she knows is petrifying. Petrifying, and once again, a risk she wouldn't be willing to take. So she kept her crystal blue eyes fixated on her shoes.

Lucas knew what she was doing. He could see it, all the tells of one building their walls back up. It was an often occurrence for him to see. Everyone nowadays is so afraid of vulnerability, seeing someone put everything away once again was normal, sadly. But once people spill their guts, they don't go back in; and it appears to be that he's the only one who understands that.

He studied her for a moment, then hesitantly lifted his hand to her chin, pushing her head up to meet his gaze lightly. He could see it in her eyes, the resolve she built up crumbling down once again. He could see how much she hated it. She hated being vulnerable, she hated herself for allowing herself to become vulnerable. She was absolutely seething on the inside, but no one could see it on the out.

"Don't do that." He said to her softly, had it been any quieter she wouldn't have heard it. He sent a soft smile her way, one she tried desperately to not return; but she couldn't help but let the corners of her lips perk up. She scolded herself in her head. Idiot. 6 Hours. 6 fucking hours was all it took for her to become a mess. And the worst part, she walked right into it. She's the one who walked up to him at the party. She's the one who chose to act oblivious to his obvious dismissal towards her when they first met. She's the one who did all this to herself. And that very though could have her loathing herself for eternity. She couldn't blame him, or his perfect smile, or his little freckles, or his curly hair, or how adorably quiet he was in contrast to her loud personality. She did this.

Lucas noticed the war raging in her head, the endless amounts of emotion pouring out through eyes that only the observatory would notice. "I should probably get going." He said as he moved his hand away from her chin to scratch the back of his neck. A nervous habit.

After Lucas started walking away, Atlas headed towards her door. She knew that this had to happen, she knew it was best for both of them to never see each other again. She wasn't currently in the right place for a relationship and firmly believed she never would be. But that didn't stop her from making her next move. She was at the front door, hand on the handle. But then. maybe in a moment of weakness, or hope, or trust. She looked back to see him walking away. And that was when not only her heart, but her entire being broke. That including her mental apparently.

"Wait!" Atlas shouted as she ran down the steps towards where Lucas was. He froze in place, and slowly smiled to himself before turning around to see her slightly panting as she was right next to him, much closer than he expected them to be. Atlas, of course, noticed this as well. Lucas waited for her to continue, not moving an inch from where he was stood.

"Um - I - uh - never asked for your number. Must've slipped my mind." She told him, still breathless. Right now it seemed as if all common sense had left her body. Her weakest moment had finally come upon her. She was the one who was chasing now.

Lucas gave her a smirk before reaching his palm out, signifying that he wanted her phone. She made a quick move to pull it out of her pocket and handed it to him.

As Lucas put his number in and called himself to get hers, Atlas couldn't help but feel the mixture of emotions she was encompassing. The dread, the joy, the anxiety, the relief, the guilt. She couldn't decide whether or not her doing this was a good or bad thing.

Although she didn't necessarily have time to decide since Lucas was handing her phone back to her, a slight smile playing on his lips as he did so.

"I'll see you around." He said to her as one final goodbye, right before turning around and walking the couple blocks back to his hotel to pack for his flight.

Once Lucas was out of hearing range, Atlas finally whispered a small goodbye; knowing exactly what she had to do.

She walked into her house and settled back into her room, giving herself some well earned rest before she had to wake up and make the call in a few hours.

And in her tired state, she hadn't noticed Jessie, her beloved roommate, best friend, basically sister; listening and watching the entire encounter from her window.

And as she saw Atlas walk back into the house, and heard her basically collapse onto her bed. She knew exactly what was going to happen.She had known Atlas for 9 years, ever since she was first sent to their foster home, right after her parents were killed. She knew Atlas like none other. She saw Atlas in her deepest, darkest mental state. She was her very first friend and vice versa. She knew what was gonna happen. And with a silent sigh, she closed her eyes , shut the curtains, and whispered to herself. "Knowing you, you're gonna fuck this up, royally." She said with a little fake chuckle at the end. She then went under the covers, just like Atlas. Out like a light.

• • •

Hi it's been forever I'm sorry BUT I UPDATED AGAIN SO HOORAY. Anyways after this there will be an epilogue that's probably v short sooo yeah wait for that.

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