"See that kid that just walked in? With the raven hair?". Taehyung pointed discreetly at Jeongguk who had seated himself in the same booth as last week.

Jimin's eyes went wide. "Oh my gosh, Tae! Do you have a crush on him, and you need me to be your wingman or something? Because let's face it, if I go over there, there's no guarantee he won't fall for my looks instead." He finishes with a smirk.

Taehyung gave him a flat look. " No, you idiot. That's the guy I told you about. The one who came in super late last week, remember? Anyway, I need you to cover my shift until he leaves."

"Ohhh!! That's the one you said was a little brat? Damn Tae, he is gorgeous, I could ju- wait a minute did you just say 'cover your shift'? Ha! In your dreams." Jimin looked at him incredulously.

Taehyung groaned, "Please, Jimin! I'll cover your dishes shift for a week!"

Jimin pursed his lips as he contemplated the offer. "Ugh, fine! Lord knows I hate doing those dishes, and I get to talk to a cute boy, so this is a win-win for me!", he concluded.

Taehyung let out a sigh of relief, he really didn't want to deal with the kid tonight.

"Okay here, take the notepad and pen, and if he asks about me, which I doubt he will, but just in case, tell him I'm not working tonight!", he ushered Jimin out of the kitchen.

Jimin turned around abruptly, "Gee, Tae, how bad can he be?"

"You don't get it. He just really irritates me, okay? Now get over there." Taehyung gives Jimin one last push.

He watches as Jimin walks over to the table and proceeds to take the younger boy's order.

Taehyung definitely didn't miss the disappointment that flashed across the boy's face when he looked up at Jimin. But that quickly faded and they started animatedly to each other. Taehyung's eyes narrowed, 'What's this kid's deal? Why can't he just order and get it done, like everyone else?'

Jeongguk listened as Jimin, the nice waiter (polar opposite of Taehyung) made a joke about having deal with people's ridiculously long orders.

"I mean, I eat a lot too, but how much food can one person consume? And how am I supposed to remember all of it when I can barely remember my own phone number?" He finishes with a small frown.

Jeongguk laughed at the expression on Jimin's face. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna tire you out. I'm not one of those people. Could I just get a cup of coffee, please?"

Jimin gave the younger boy a smile, "Sure! I'll have that ready for you in just a few, m'kay?", he turned to leave.

"Hey, wait! Um, is Taehyung working tonight?", Jeongguk asked before tugging his bottom lip between his teeth.

Jimin smiled at him sympathetically, but didn't actually look into his eyes as he spoke. "Sorry, kid. Tae isn't here tonight."

Jeongguk nodded slowly, "Okay, thanks then."

The older smiled briefly and turned to walk towards the kitchen.

Taehyung had been watching the whole thing and suddenly, Jimin was walking up to the coffee machine, a frown on his face. He approached his friend slowly.

Jimin turned to him with a hard glare, "Kim Taehyung! Jeongguk is the sweetest thing I've ever seen, and here you are hiding from him like the plague! What's wrong with you?!"

Taehyung winced at the high pitch in Jimin's voice. He looked back at Jimin and frowned, "His name is Jeongguk?Wait, who cares? Nothing is wrong with me! That kid is so not the sweetest thing, he's just annoying as fuck, okay?"

Jimin sighed. "Okay Tae, you continue thinking that. I'm gonna go give that kid his cup of coffee.". He started to walk away but stopped in his tracks, and faced Taehyung one more time, "By the way, he did ask for you.".

Taehyung didn't say anything, so Jimin just left to take Jeongguk his coffee, although he did notice that he hadn't asked for two sugars and cream this time.
Whatever, he got back to work washing the dishes for Jimin.

Jeongguk didn't end up staying very long, after Jimin he told him the Wi-Fi password, he went on his phone for a while as a distraction, but he had a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach.

He knew Taehyung was here, he saw him through the window; okay, he only saw the back of a someone with black hair's head, but he also saw him and Jimin talking in the kitchen when he got up to remind Jimin to bring him two sugars and cream.

So why had Jimin lied to him? Maybe he and Taehyung were an item, and he got suspicious of Jeongguk asking for him.

Or maybe, as much as Jeongguk hated to think it possible, Taehyung told Jimin to say that because he didn't want to see Jeongguk.

The latter made the terrible feeling get worse, and suddenly, the coffee in front of him seemed like acid.

He stood up abruptly, fished a bill out of his wallet and left it on the table before walking out of the diner. All he wanted right now was to go home and forget that he'd ever been to the stupid diner in the first place.

Jeongguk didn't even know why he was so upset, after all Taehyung was just a stranger. He was a stranger that Jeongguk was attracted to though, and being avoided and brushed off like that had hurt a lot more than he'd like to admit.

He finally reached his apartment, and found Hoseok in his room, fast asleep, which is where he planned to be very soon.

He walked into his room, stripped off his clothes and slid into bed, eager to fall asleep and forget about tonight's events.

Taehyung looked around the diner, Jeongguk was nowhere to be seen.
He slowly walked up to the table where the younger was previously sat, swiped the bill that was left on the table and proceeded to clear said table to get ready for closing time. There was no one in the diner so he was closing up early for real this time.

Although he was relieved he didn't have to deal with the kid again tonight, he had an uneasy feeling in his stomach, and he knew exactly why.

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