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The music was pumping loud throughout Jeongguk's apartment, making his desktop lamp shake with every beat, and honestly, he just about had enough.

His roommate, Hoseok was notorious for his kick ass parties and normally Jeongguk would join in, but he had an insanely important exam tomorrow and was trying to cram some extra information into his brain so he could be prepared for the worst.

'I can't fucking take another second of this.'

Jeongguk closed his textbook, threw on his jacket after tucking the book under his arm and stormed out of his and Hoseok's apartment, not even bothering to dignify Hoseok with a "See you later."

Jeongguk originally planned to go to the library, but remembered that it was almost midnight, and the library closed a few hours ago. So he decided to wander the streets of Seoul for a while, then, by some miracle he stumbled upon what looked to be a 24hr diner across the street from where he was standing.

He now found himself pushing the door of the diner open, and he didn't miss the little Ding! of the bell as he did so. Jeongguk inspected the place and was relieved to find that there was no one else there, and proceeded to walk into the cute little diner and slid into the booth closest to the door.

'Finally some peace and fucking quiet.' Jeongguk thought.

He opened up his textbook and flipped to the chapter he had been on before he left his apartment to go over what he had read so he could make sure he remembered it. He got so engrossed in his studying he didn't even hear the feet shuffling towards him.

"You gonna order anything?", a deep, velvety smooth voice drawled.

"Yeah, just-" Jeongguk lifted his head to reply shortly, but ended up having to do a double take, because the boy standing over him was absolutely beautiful. He seemed a couple years older than Jeongguk, and had luscious black locks, that trailed down to his neck, almost like a mullet of sorts, dark, sharp eyebrows to match his hair, and full, pink lips decorated with a bottom lip piercing that Jeonnguk found himself staring at for a second too long.

When Jeongguk didn't reply again after a few moments, Taehyung sighed and asked again, "Are you going to order or not, kid?" He couldn't believe this kid walked in just when he was about to close up and finally get some rest; today had been a particularly busy day and all Taehyung wanted to do was go home and snuggle up in his comfy bed.

Now, he has to stay until this kid leaves, which doesn't seem to be anytime soon, judging by the way his nose was previously buried in what looked to be a biology textbook.

Jeongguk was snapped out of his trance when he heard the waiter's voice and his cheeks flushed when he realized he was probably caught staring at the waiter who was currently giving him a hard glare. "Yeah, sorry,"- Jeongguk's eyes flickered over to the name tag that read 'TAEHYUNG' in bold letters. "wait, kid? You're not even like two years older than me, uh, Taehyung? I don't think that qualifies to me being a kid. Whatever, can I just get a coffee, pretty please? Black?", he finished with a sweet smile.

Taehyung held back a scowl, but he couldn't help his eyes narrowing, his annoyance growing at the fact that this boy seemed to be mocking him, what with his taunting smile, and the "pretty please?" he just pulled. And why would anyone want to drink their coffee black, it's disgusting. Oh well. "Okay, it'll just be a minute.", he all but spat out.

Taehyung turned on his heel and made his way behind the counter where the coffee machine was, took one last look at the younger boy sitting in the booth, and proceeded to start brewing the coffee. Jeongguk wouldn't take his eyes off of him, he didn't think he could, really. Taehyung was just so- ugh, he didn't even know what words would be right to describe him. After realizing that he was staring yet again, Jeongguk cast his eyes back to his textbook and focused on studying.

A few moments later, Taehyung returned, mug in hand, and placed it on top of the table a little roughly, if you ask Jeongguk. "Enjoy your bitter coffee.", he said through gritted teeth.

The cold tone Taehyung used made Jeongguk frown, so when Taehyung turned to leave again, Jeongguk grabbed hold of his wrist to stop him, not expecting to feel a rush when they touched. "Wait! I changed my mind, could I get two sugars and a cream, please? Sorry for being a bother." He gave Taehyung an apologetic smile, trying to somehow make amends for the little scene he just made. Then again, it was a little self-absorbed of him to think that Taehyung would care what he, a total stranger, says. Nonetheless, he should try to be a decent person.

Taehyung pulled his hand back as if he had been burned, and without turning back, gave Jeongguk a curt nod and a "Fine, just a second.". He walked to the counter, leaned over it, and reached for two packets of sugar. He turned back and placed the packets on the table near the mug of coffee, and then all but sprinted away from Jeongguk.

This kid has got to be kidding; 'Sorry to be a bother.'? God, Taehyung couldn't wait until he left. 'What a little brat.' he thought to himself. At least he knew he was annoying as fuck and seemed to feel remorseful for it, Taehyung had to give him that. He shook his head, 'Who gives a shit, anyway?'. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his social media feeds.

Jeongguk felt somewhat sad that Taehyung didn't seem to like him very much, but he couldn't afford to be distracted, so he cleared his head and concentrated on his studying instead.

• • •

Two hours, and another reluctantly poured cup of coffee later, Jeongguk decided it was time for him to leave; his brain couldn't process anymore information and Taehyung was getting more ticked off at his presence by the minute. Whenever Jeongguk looked his way, he seemed to have a scowl on his face and an occasional glare when Jeongguk was caught looking, which then resulted in Jeongguk becoming a blushing mess and burying his face into his textbook to save face.

Standing up, he closed his textbook, keeping it on the table, as he searched for his wallet in the back pocket of his pants. He pulled out a bill from his wallet, having planned on simply leaving it on the counter, but it seemed Taehyung had noticed him getting up. He stalked up behind the counter, and recited the amount Jeongguk owed him.

Jeongguk smiled softly and placed the bill in Taehyung's outstretched hand, "Here. You can keep the change, seeing as I stayed so late and kept you on your feet." And he grabbed his textbook off the desk and walked to the door, which made the Ding! again as he opened it. Jeongguk turned one more time to get a last look of Taehyung's beautiful face, before leaving the diner.

Taehyung watched the younger boy turn around one last time and give him a small wave, before he left the diner.
A breath of relief escaped past his lips, he could finally close up and go home, where his soft, king-sized bed was waiting for him. He looked at the bill in his hand, and fuck the kid had given him way too much than was needed, which made Taehyung feel a little guilty for being so cold towards him.

Sighing heavily, he cleaned up the booth where the kid sat, and made sure everything was in order before locking up the diner and heading home after his long and tiring day.

As Jeongguk walked back to his apartment, he found himself thinking of Taehyung again. The way his lips would curl into an adorable pout while he was on his phone, or when he let out cute little laughs at something he looking at on his screen, Jeongguk couldn't stop the smile breaking out on his face as he was thought about the older boy. He finally reached his aparment, thankful to find that the part was over and he could actually get some sleep. The apartment was a catastrophe, of course, but he would make Hoseok clean it up tomorrow; his roommate was currently passed out on top of the island in their kitchen. That definitely wouldn't be good for his back.

Jeongguk was tempted to leave him there, as revenge for the party, but couldn't bring himself to do it, so he shook his roommate awake and gave his drunk, mumbling ass a piggyback ride to his room. Then he walked down the hall to his own room, and collapsed on the bed, not even bothering to change.

Jeongguk pulled the comforter up to his chin, and fell asleep with a certain waiter on his mind.

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