Chapter Two ♡

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I drove home, hoping I wouldn't have to be home alone with my dad's fiancè. Mostly because it scared me that she was still probably into the same things I was. My father was fourty-five, and she could have easily passed for eighteen. She prided herself on being five years over my 'prime age of nineteen' as she had recently called it. They had met when my dad still had his job in New York and she was in an internship. She had big dreams of modeling (and the underlying want of money.) My dad paid for all the fees, all the competitions and for what: a sorority sister who had nothing but money on her mind. She'd moved in two months ago and had my dad wrapped around her little, skanky, bitchy, perfect, little pinky. Stick me in a room with her, let alone a house full of kitchen knives and tv cables, and there'd only be one of us left.

So I drove slowly, casually dropping by Starbucks on my route home. Same order: Grande Chai Iced Tea and a birthday cake cake-pop for my younger sister, Gracie; even she liked Elena. I chose the Starbucks furthest away from the house, so it took me a good ten minutes to get home. When I got there, I saw two cars in the driveway: Elena's perfect, gold SUV and Connor's beat up, old truck. Someone to keep me from ripping that bitch apart, I thought.

I took my bag from the passenger's side and got out of my car. If Elena's car was here, that meant she'd already picked up Gracie and I had yet another witness I couldn't risk trying anything with.

I unlocked the back gate, avoiding any possible contact with Her. To my utter, not-so-surprise, she was in her perfect, pink bikini tanning beside the pool my dad had paid for just for her.She smiled as I tried to sneak back around.

"Heeeey girlfriend," she cooed. I rolled my eyes.

After she realized I was in no mood to respond, she prompted another sentence out of her perfect, pink, ass-kissing lips.

"Starbucks? I love it. Can I have a sip?" She said, wrapping a towel around herself, her implants peeking out.

"Not in the mood. I have a lot of homework," I said, and with that I made my way through the back door. I didn't honestly have much, just another chapter of To Kill a Mockingbird but I was in no way spend more time with Her.

Gracie greeted me, Lacy in toe. Lacy was our chocolate lab that followed Gracie everywhere. Gracie decided she'd name her something close to her name so we wouldn't forget. Of course, Elena always mixed them up, complaining how weird it was to name a dog after lingerie.

"Hi chickie!" I laughed as I picked Gracie up, Lacy whining at my feet.

"I made a painting today, and I can't find it, but it was really, really pretty! I promise," she laughed, as my eyebrows questioned her statement. I set her down, and lowered to her six year old level.

"You can't find it? Where did you put it?"

"I gave it to Lena, but I don't know where she put it," she said, a frown growing on her face.

"Well, I'm gonna find it for you ok? Pinky promise," I smiled, as she feel into my hug. If that little bitch..

Grace sat herself in front of the TV and I turned on her favorite kiddy show. I ran upstairs to open my dad's/Her bedroom door and look for GrCie's painting. I heard the front door ooen, and keys hit the kitchen counter. My dad. Great.

I scanned the room only to find a sparkly, watercolor painting of a teddy bear in the sink tossed like it was trash. I fumed inside and took the painting up to my room. I sat on my bed and decided if I really wanted to create more conflict with Her by bringing the painting down. I set it on my desk, and went back downstairs.

"When did you get home?" My dad said, leaning against the kitchen cabinet.

"What's for dinner?" I asked, disregarding his question.

"I asked you first."

"Ten minutes ago, why?" I asked.

"Because it should have only take you ten minutes to get home and it's four, Char." He said, making his way over to me.

"Why does it matter, dad? Honestly."

"It matters because I want to make sure you're safe." He said, standing directly in front of me.

"Look, thanks for tr -" I started.

"Were you with a boy?" He interrupted me, crossing his arms.

I paused. Of course I wasn't with a boy, I was getting my Starbucks on. But it was hard to get to my dad with a skank between the two of us. So, just to piss him off - I lied.

"And if I was?" I smirked, and walked passed my dad.

He stood still for a second and I closed the door, and walked to the pool. Elena was still out there, but now she was in the pool with her phone in her hands.

"She lives," she smiled.

"I'm really not in the mood right now." I responded, dipping my toes in the pool.

She deflated. "What happened?" She swam over to me, set her phone down, and propped herself up to her elbows.

"You're the last person I'd ever want to talk to so.."

"Hey, hey," she said, turning me towards her, "just because I'm not your mom, or your bestfriend and I know that I will never be - that doesn't mean that you can close yourself off, Charlie. I want to get to know you."

"If I haven't made it obvious, I don't like you. I will never like you. We will sure as hell never be friends, and don't you dare even say the word 'mom' around me, okay? All you are is a skank, so take as much time as you need to accept that." I smiled a pretty bitchy smile and walked away. I re-entered the house and went up to my room, practically in tears.

I had never been anything close to a bitch in my life, but I was so mad. Mad at everything. I thought about Ansel and his kind words and how different I felt about everything earlier that day. I wasn't rude to him..because I didnt feel like he deserved it. I shut my door, wiped my eyes and curled up on my bed. I was so exhausted that it took me a second to feel how I felt. I was so numb to pretty much all my feelings that I didn't even realize how tired I was. I saw the first drop of rain and fell asleep almost instantly.

| I know this chapter didn't have much in it, but I thought it was important to fit in Charlie's background. Already working on the third chapter, so stay tuned! Be sure to check out my other stories, too!! xo Barbieber |

The Last Kiss | Ansel Elgort ♡Where stories live. Discover now