Chapter 2: Revelation time

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A High level Hollow came out of the sky Everyone got up and were beginning to get ready. Both teams stopped playing and looked towards the hollows that had come.

Both teams got together and were shaking from fear behind Toshiro while he whisper talked with Karin. "Hey aren't you two seeing these monsters up there... Ahhh they're coming. " said souta . Both Toshiro and karin were bewildered that both teams were able to see the hollows.

The hollows were beginning to seperate until they felt several high spiritual pressures and began walking towards the soccer field the other captains and their lieutenants grabbed their soul candy and changed into their shinigami forms including Toshiro.

"Karin stay with them make sure nothing happens to them you are able to do basic kido right? " "Yea I can don't worry just go help the others." Just as Karin turned around she saw even more hollows behind them.

"Toshiro there are more over here. " Toshiro turned around and saw a hollow going straight for Karin. "Rise over the frosted heavens Hyourinmaru. "

Toshiro was able to freeze several hollows at the same time, one by one the hollows began to decrease until the last one had disappeared. All the captains and lieutenants gathered around both soccer teams asking Karin if they were alright. "Yes we're alright. " Ryohei said while the others just nodded.

All of the Shinigami were speechless besides Toshiro seeing as they were able to see them in that form. "But how are they able to see us. " ichigo said.

"Well I believe they can see us because we are all here and are giving out too much spiritual energy and they are absorbing it without noticing which helps their own spiritual energy grow ." Toshiro explained.

"That would make perfect sense as to how they can see us. " said Ukitake

"Can someone tell us what, those monsters are and who are you people. "Rin said.

Everyone looked at each other as if trying to figure out if they should tell them or not. That is until Karin went and wiped their memory and all the boys fell unconscious except for her friends of course she had been planning on how to tell them that she can see spirits and why she has been running off sometimes. Everyone saw what she did and didn't say anything .

"Don't you all say anything I had too plus I have been trying to explain to my friends about all this there have been times where they have seen me talk to the hollows or to ichigo and I can't take it anymore so please don't do anything to them. "

"We understand Karin it's been too much stress for you to hide such secret and they are your friends so it's understandable that you want to tell them. " Toshiro told karin putting a hand on her shoulder and looking at her eye to eye. All the other captains and lieutenants agreed on her decision but were surprised at how much emotion Toshiro showed towards the girls decision to tell her friends about shinigami and hollows.

After explaining to her friends they understood her better and apologized for thinking that she was ditching them.

Everyone went back to the kurosaki residence to eat dinner. Right after dinner they were trying to figure out where they were going to stay for the time being half of them were going to stay at Orihime's old apartment that she bought just in case they ever needed a place to stay at. Toshiro, Rangiku, Jushiro, Rukia, kyoraku, and nanao were staying at the kurosaki residence while everyone else that was left ended up mooching at Uruhara's place.

Everyone did their own thing throughout the week Toshiro spent most of his time with karin which rose suspicion between the captains and lieutenants that there might be some romance between the two in which Ichigo got angry and overprotective in saying that there is no such thing.

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