Chapter 1

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Jackie stared out of the large window of the space station that she had lived on their entire life. She'd looked out on this same view a hundred different times, but every time she did, some new detail sprung to life. A new constellation, a dying star, even a planet in the midst of war could be entirely new and foreign. Today, however, it was the last time she would see this strange, yet familiar view for some time. She had been assigned to the Wormhole Mission, a mission no one had completed, or even lived to tell about. Sure, she'd done rigorous training, but it wasn't nearly as much training as the last agent had done, and he still disappeared anyway! Needless to say, Jackie was quite nervous about the mission as a whole. With a 100% failure rating, the odds were a little slim for her liking. She lingered over a small copper-colored dot she had never seen before. A new star. Tears laced the corners of her eyes as she realized that she might not see this star ever again. She might die before she even caught a glimpse of the wormhole, let alone be able to make her way inside. She wondered if the last agent had felt this way too, before he disappeared. She quickly dismissed the notion. Now was no time to be considering such an issue, being mere moments before she undertook the mission for herself. A booming voice crackled into her earpiece, requesting that she meet with her superior commander. It was time. She took a deep breath, stole one last look at the view she may never see again, and made her way briskly down the rounded hallway to the commander's office.

Jackie stood outside the iron-wrought door of the commander's office. She didn't need to knock, as the door slid seamlessly open with a soft hiss. Inside, there was a simple wooden desk, an antique these days, and two cushioned gray seats on either side. The commander sat in the chair facing her, configuring a hologram projected in front of him. She stood at the doorway awkwardly until he looked in her direction.

"Ah. Jackie." He noted, placing his feet up on the desk, his expression turning smug. "Come in! Sit down!"

Jackie briskly sat in the chair across from the commander. "You asked to see me, sir." She responded flatly.

"But of course! I wanted to see you off before you dive headfirst into that horrid wormhole! I'm absolutely certain that you'll be the first to make it back. After all, I was your teacher, wasn't I?" Jackie could practically cut this guy's ego in half with a knife, but his mention that she'd be the first to make it back was almost reassuring, especially coming from someone so big-headed.

He opened up a large hologram of the wormhole. Even its virtual form seemed to radiate with some type of unknown cosmic energy. "As you already know," the commander said, his tone becoming serious, "This wormhole has been generating strange activity for the past century. Those who have made it close enough to go inside have never returned. However, that does not mean that they're dead, despite it being so heavily implied." He tapped the hologram with one of his manicured nails and a red dot appeared. It began to make its journey into the virtual wormhole before it fizzled and disappeared altogether. "What you just saw was a tracker we built into the last agent's shuttle. It was in pristine working order until it began to enter the wormhole. After that, the tracker, the communications, everything we had to keep in touch with the agent went out. The higher-ups think it to be the product of some form of cosmic interference, but I've never believed it. But cosmic interference or not, there is a communications blackout as you near and enter the wormhole. Because we can't keep in touch with you once you enter, it's all up to you. Not to mention the extremely tight schedule you'll be on once you enter, which is about ten days. Other than that, you know the extent of your mission. Get in, collect data, and get out." With a flowing motion of his smooth hands, the hologram shattered into a million pieces like glass.

"Thank you, sir. Is that all?" Jackie inquired, beginning to rise from her seat.

The commander quickly stood up with her and shook her hand. "This may be less than customary of me, but I think you're ready. I look forward to your safe return, Jacqueline Carter."

"Thank you sir. I will do all that I can to come back." The two held their gaze, a feeling of mutual respect transcending rank and gender and age and any factor of 'superiority' known to man. For now, these two were equal in every respect. The voice from before entered her earpiece, decimating the moment for all it was worth.

"Luitenant Carter, your ship is prepared for jump. Please report to the bay."

Jackie pressed a button on the earpiece. "I'm on my way." She looked at her commander.

"Well. This is it." He smiled, nodding. "Good luck, Jackie."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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