Chapter 12

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Charlene and Martine stood there in shock. M"This cannot be happening. This seems impossible!" Jared grabbed her hand and said "I know it does, my love. I promise we will not hurt you ladies at all. We have been without any physical contact for such a long time and when we saw all you beautiful girls we could not hold back." C"Do you guys ever leave?" Shannon looked at her and said "we can't. If we do they could attack." T"wow this is crazy. I'm so sorry." Tomo hugged her tight and said "we are just happy you are all here." Taylor blushed and burried her face into his chest. M"so what happens if they attack?" S"We are prepared for a fight. We love this place. Nothing can take it away from us. When we love something we do anything to protect it." He looked at Charlene and smiled a sneaky grin. They all stayed awake guarding together. Taylor held onto Tomo's hand and said "I don't want to sleep without you." TM"We will sleep very soon. I promise." Martine looked over at them and said "I really doubt you guys will just sleep." C"Yeah I am still bothered by what we heard yesterday!" They laughed and Taylor said "you know you all enjoyed it!" M"You can tell yourself that!" Jared looked at Tomo and said "I am proud of you buddy. You were the first of us to get any." Taylor turned red and said "can we change the subject?" Shannon laughed and said "Yes. The sun is starting to come up so we can probably get some sleep soon." C"Good. I am so tired." After another hour of watching they all went to lay down with the guys. Charlene and Shannon cuddled up together sleeping soundly. Jared and Martine took a hot bath together and also fell asleep. Tomo and Taylor were lying in bed together with their arms wrapped around each other. TM"I want to make love to you right now so bad." T"What is stopping you?"

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