Chapter 11

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Charlene looked confused. C"But this is their house. How do you go missing in your own house?" T"We have no idea! I woke up and Tomo was gone." M"Yeah same with Jared." C"That is weird. Let's go find them." T"I am really scared. It is so big here!" M"It will be okay." Charlene grabbed a candle and they started to walk down the long dark hallway. They heard movement behind them. Taylor grabbed on to Martine. T"What was that?" It was Jared. J"What are you girls doing out of bed? It is really late." Martine looked at him and noticed something different about him. M"Well why did you all leave us in bed alone?" J"I am really sorry, babe. We had to take care of something." Charlene was starting to get angry. C"Like what? There is something going on I can tell!" Shannon walked up and said "Charlene, it is nothing to worry about. Let's go back to sleep." C"Not until we know what is going on!" Tomo walked up to Taylor and kissed her cheek. T"Ow!" Charlene looked over at Taylor and said "you are bleeding!" T"Tomo what did you do?" He put his hand over his mouth. J"We can tell you what is going on but you cannot tell a soul!" Martine put her hand on his cheek. M"we swear." Jared looked at Tomo and said "we are the guardians of this chateau." M"What do you mean?" Shannon looked at Jared and said "let's not scare them, please.'' Tomo said to Shannon "they need to know." J"There is an evil being that tries to attack us here. Mainly at night. That is why we stay up and guard." T"well what do they want?" J"they want what is ours." M"well what is that?" J"It's a special key." C"For what?" J"There is a secret room here with books of spells. They want it so they can still the spells and become immortal." Taylor started to get scared. She was still bleeding and looked over at Tomo. She noticed he had fangs. She backed away and ran into Charlene. Tomo looked at her and said "I am so sorry. When I kissed you I knicked you with my tooth please don't be upset." T"I'm not. I am scared to death!"

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