Chapter 2: The Force Behind Uncertain Things

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When she spoke to him, her voice gave way to a slight British accent. That seemed to be the only normal thing about her. But she spoke in a language that he didn't understand. She looked down at him with a slightly frustrated look until she tried again in another language. Again Nate had no idea what she said. She looked away thinking then her eyes widened. "You must speak basic then!" That got Nate's attention if she hadn't already gotten it. "Now I know you understand me. You basically jumped off your wall." She said with a chuckle.

Nate not knowing what to say just stood there with a dumbfounded look. Trying to start talking he could only think of the polite thing to say "Oh, uh, thank you. Miss. But I can't take this." He looked at her with an apologetic look until what she said next surprised him.

"No, please I insist. Tell you what. Head down the road a ways and you'll find a small store that gives HUGE discounts to the homeless. Buy yourself some food. Please keep the money. I can always get more from work." She spoke softly implying that this choice and that she really wanted to help.

"Oh, well thank you then, really." Nate spoke honestly surprised that some random person would help out a two bit thief like him. Even if, now that he looked at himself, he did look like some homeless goon compared to the people on the street.

She smiled kindly as she turned and walked away slowly blending in with the rest of the crowd. When she was completely invisible to Nate he looked down at his hands and looked at the odd sight of the mini gold and silver bars in front of him. He found himself in a trance at the different symbols that he could only assume be some kind of script or ancient language that he wasn't familiar with. They honestly looked like scribbles to him. They didn't even look close to any foreign script he had ever come across. In fact the different languages that the blue skinned hotty talked in didn't sound familiar to him at all. That threw a big red flag at him. Sure he could handle the tall buildings and the different looking people, who he still considered to be wearing costumes, and even the flying cars as some kind of hologram like in one of those sci fi movies. But not being able to read the local language threw Nate a GIANT red flag.

Nate had decided that he had seen enough and decided to move. He remembered the direction where the blue tail haired girl pointed him in. he moved with the group of the crowd. And the more he looked around the more he grew in confusion. The 36-year-old treasure hunter had found more and more people who looked like freaky alien costumes. But the more he studied in detail, the more they looked real. One guy looked like a really dark blue Martian type alien. with red eyes that had no pupils. Another had a giant head that bent at a 90 degree angle upward and then split into a T shape where the eyes were on the ends. 'looks like some kind of Hammerhead shark freak. Starting to think these aren't costumes.' He truly started to think his original theory was wrong. The more people passed and the more flying cars that passed over head. From the language that he found on signs to what people were saying. He started believing that he was in a completely different place from where he was.

Nate finally made it to the place that he was looking for and to his surprise he was able to recognize it as a dinner. It almost felt like a fifties style dinner, even though it still looked all futuristic-y. The pain in his arm was feeling much better but even though the pain in his pelvis was still there, it was tolerable. He took a quick peak under his robe to see that the makeshift bandages were holding up. They haven't been bleeding though yet so he knew that he would be good to go in a day or two. He walked up and opened the door into the future fifties dinner.

Nathan Drake had seen people of different cultures mix before but this was ridiculous. On each side of the dinner there were humans and other mixes of creatures sitting in booths or sitting on the counter talking with each other or eating their own meals. Some of them looked like himself in the sense that some of them were wearing tattered cloaks as well. But he could see that under them they wore rags for clothes. Nate looking down was still wearing his blue jeans and felt around his pockets just in case any pickpockets had snagged him while he was distracted. Even though he had no idea where he was he was always aware of the multiple signs of pickpockets. After all he used to be one of them before. Feeling around all his belongings were still there including the small recognizable shape of the crystal. Sighing in relief he made his way for the counter and waited for whatever waitress or waiter would come buy and give him his order.

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